Dear Biofuels group.
I enjoy reading what is written here more than anything I could have imagined. I see myself as a chronicler more than a writer as I am quite bereft of a classic education. I guess I can say that nothing gives me instant gratification more than writing. I have grown my morning newsletter email list to nearly 125 family and friends over the last fives years. I have repeatedly requested feedback on my topics. I keep to what I know about, life on the ranch and computer technology. Truth is I don’t want to write something which may get me lambasted.  Needless to say, this group has it all (feedback) figured out. I am happy that you have let me in. I hope to learn from this International group of thinkers. Thank you all so much.
If I may post one of my daily newsletters here as a homage to you all. If it is inappropriate or boring feel free to axe it and post the message above.

August 1, 2005
Good morning.
I often say that I want to keep this brief, then I go on and on for paragraph after paragraph. Sorry about that,  but I get wound up after I think about something to write about. Take this morning for instance, I have been reading my new favorite pastime, the biofuels email group letters. I want to chime in and tell them all the stuff I have been harping about here  for the last half decade. One of the weird little idiosyncrasies of my newsletter,  which I don’t mind really, is the unforeseen realization that once is enough. I don’t revel in the false notion that you people archive my newsletter for future reference, posterity and/or humor. Nor do I. Once and only once in these morning chronicles did I imagine that  I would go back through the years' newsletters and pick out the highlights and repost them for you. Big mistake! It freaked me a good one to realize how difficult it was to read past issues. At the time I shrugged the rereading of old issues off,  allegedly because I had no way to find topics as I had never sorted the newsletters except by day and date. Truth be told, and I try to accomplish this much in my letters, I couldn’t bear to go back through old issues. It may have been because at times we were far from well off. It may also be that since doing the newsletter I feel that I have pretty well covered everything that I can possibly think of that has been happening in the steaming gray matter I call home.
I have actually become irritated with people that ask me on the street, “What’s happenin’?” Read the damn newsletter! LOL. I hope I only think that I am annoyed. I would never let such a trite emotion show on my face. However I think that some of the emotions have become rooted. Not so much that I quote myself when talking to people. No… nooo,  I have not stumbled over that precipice… yet. I often imagine my ego the size of a watermelon for encouragement to write. Often it works. Hell, I don’t know of anybody that has put out the words in chronicle form like I do. So in some respect,  it is working, whatever in the hell I am doing. At this juncture, for instance, I would have to imagine that I actually had a point and would use these delusions of grandeur to bolster myself up in the chair and try to remember where I was going with this. Hmmm, a little help please? Anybody?
I rely on several factors here.  I suppose I could note that my story telling capabilities might keep my readers’ interest peaked enough for said readers to absorb a significant portion of the information which pours ceaselessly from my mind at five o’clock in the morning. You either are appreciative that I don’t repeat or recant these chronicles,  or hell I don’t know, you maybe just maybe… you really like the way I write?
I love you!
With the deepest respect, Brian Rodgers

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