Oh, man!  I just wasted $20.00!!

Keith Addison wrote:

Why are these cards banned on Ebay? Perhaps it has to do with this statement from Ebay:

"Only copyright owners are permitted to sell items or products which are intended to be delivered to the buyer by electronic download through the Internet. Sellers who own the copyrights to this downloadable media being sold must state this fact in their listings and must be able to prove this ownership to eBay."

In other words, the reason for the ban may have to do with copyright legalities as opposed to some sort of governmentally imposed restriction, which the statement below leads one to believe.


:-) Believe the small print if you like.

Quite a regular item offered on eBay is this:


Taken directly from our site, the description also taken directly from our site, and offered as original plans for sale at $20 or something similar. It was JtF who resurrected these plans, but, as acknowledged, the copyright belongs to Mother Earth News, but there's zero acknowledgement of either JtF or MEN. Try telling eBay about it - I got exactly nowhere, and neither did several other people.

Please trim irrelevant previous material from your posts Tim, you're wasting tons of bandwidth. Thankyou.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
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