"I guess you will say the energy can be stored in the hydrogen but compressing hydrogen is a wee bit of a problem to say the least and in any case the compressor is horribly inneficient."
One alternative might be to simplify HOD (hydrogen on demand) so one can make it at home.
I'm not a chemist. So, I have no idea how difficult this might be but, can one (for example) make sodium hydroxide and combine it with water for steam power when needed?
...just thinking out loud.

Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jeromie Reeves wrote:

>If your Eco-village has plenty of wind generators then more
>then likely there will be a surplus of electricity making a
>electrolyzer a good idea.
Why is this so? I think you are saying to use wind generated
electricity to produce hydrogen and then use hydrogen to produce
electricity?? I guess you will say the energy can be stored in the
hydrogen but compressing hydrogen is a wee bit of a problem to say the
least and in any case the compressor is horribly inneficient. Chemical
batteries are not ideal but the whole energy cycle involves a lot less
loss than what you are proposing.

> I
>have been building vertical axis wind turbines lately (small ones) and
>they impress me with there ability to generate torque and low wind speed
I am very interested in exploring what can be done by the home builder
in this area. Do you have a web page or archive of information you can
share on this?


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