This is the most encouraging news I've heard in a while!  I agree with Malcom Kendall-Smith.  And I agree with Keith's post about the court of public opinion.  I am one of those who has been relentlessly pounding this concept into everyone I know.  I have been saying for a long time now, basically since we found out there were no WMD that this grounds for impeachment of G.W.Bush!  The Downing street memo was just more proof.  George Galloway's tirade against the senate sub comittee, another nugget. Perhaps this trial will create a precedent.  Perhaps even if it plays out as a typical military drum head trial there will be a massive outcry against it.  I don't know, probably not.  But I hope it can be a catalyst for the anit war movement. So long as people don't become apathetic, so long as we keep up the pressure, there is a chance for change.


bmolloy wrote:
Hi All,
           This latest report from Pilger. Does this portend the Big One - a criminal trial of Western war leaders that would outshine Nuremberg?
Date: Saturday, 29 October 2005 7:20 pm

A Royal Air Force officer is about to be tried before a military court for refusing to
return to Iraq because the war is illegal. Malcolm Kendall-Smith is the first British
officer to face criminal charges for challenging the legality of the invasion and
occupation. He is not a conscientious objector; he has completed two tours in Iraq.
When he came home the last time, he studied the reasons given for attacking Iraq
and concluded he was breaking the law. His position is supported by international
lawyers all over the world, not least by Kofi Annan, the UN secretary general, who
said in September last year: "The US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that
contravened the UN Charter."

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