----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Darryl McMahon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 8:12
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] truckers choose hydrogen power

> The company says they have overcome the problem of the water freezing.
> No indication they have changed the properties of water to do so.

There is the posabilities that they are using exaust or coolent to keep the
water liquid, but, then I would expect that they would have issues in the
summer with faster evaporation of the water.

> > Distilled water is a poorer conductor than water with some types of
> > impurities in it.
> Yes, but the impurities will cause residues in the electrolysis unit, so
> best to avoid them.

Depends on the impurities and what they are using for electrodes.

Certian salts would do it, if they had non-reactive electrodes.

> > Someone is blowing smoke, but, I doubt it is the diesel trucks.
> I understand and support skepticism about the claims.  However, until we
> have evidence to counter the company's claims (and they have years of
> research and testing behind them, and testimonials from people at
> company names I recognize), I don't think we should label them as
> charlatans.  Do you have that evidence?

We have also seen claims and testimonials that acetone and various magnetic
devices will improve mileage as well.

OTOH, a thought occurred to me last night as I was getting into bed.

They are making a lot of loud noises about the H2 that they are getting from
the water, but, we have no idea what they are doing with the O2.    What if
it is the increased amount of O2, that is partially ( if not mostly
responsible ) for the changes in the engine combustion?

Greg H.

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