Hello All,
           My father-in-law, a diesel mechanic, has helped me build a BD processor, travelled with me from NY to Florida to get an clean, old Mercedes that just loves BD. He is a wonderful man. We differ in opinion on one particular point re: biodiesel.
He says:     "Lay low in the high grass."
 I say:     "Spread the word, change the world."
     I just retired after teaching high school biology for 32 years. I was asked to come back, sort of as a guest speaker. I got to spend two days w. former students, now taking AP Biology. I demonstrated the basic idea of making biodiesel .... 1L in a PET bottle .... saw the glycerine split  .... had bd as diff. stages of wash and showed that the bd I made in class wash poor quality (didn't pass the wash test). This was enthusiastically received, ... much discussion, and I left them with the assurance that I would come back to the chem. class when they knew about titration and were doing the organic chem unit.
     My car's license plate is BD 100. I talk to friends, acquaintences, or any one who expresses an interest in bd or any alternate energy system. I've had a few "tours" of my processing setup.
     Several recent posts seem to be suggesting that we "lay low" and expand as a underground force. I just am interested in the views of other list members. i.e. Do we "lay low", or "spread the word'?
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