yes, i'm interested in hypnosis... interested in dispelling misconceptions 
and learning more about what's inside.


From: Kirk McLoren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] "Quackbuster" Busted in Court
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 19:31:32 -0800 (PST)

I have discovered hypnosis.
   I am extremely enthusiastic about it.
   And yes - western mental health is about getting zombied out. Did you 
know all those shooters such as Columbine were prozac kiddies? Press didnt 
say much about that fact - not pc. The press also doesnt talk about the 
prozac suicide rate in the first 2 months of medicating.
   If you want info on hypnosis let me know


Zeke Yewdall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   Recently, I've found myself unable to concentrate, depressed, having
trouble sleeping, being unmotivated, constantly being angry. I'm
sure that if I went to see a doctor about this, he or she could
prescribe something to try to help. This is "civilized society's"
response to this condition. Go talk to a psychiatrist and we'll drug
you up to make you forget about it. And I'm not denying that many
people with depression do have chemical imbalances. But, I actually
know what causes me to feel this way -- my dead end office job which
pays me crap, has no flexibility, in a place with no natural light,
and no plants (actually, my two desk plants died, and I feel like I'm
on the way out next). A few days off, in the mountains (where I don't
even have a flush toilet, oh the horror), and I feel like a real
person again. Till Monday when I have to drag myself back to the
office. Civilized society sees my job as perfectly normal, and thus
cannot solve the root of the problem. However, they can drug me up to
make me accept it -- and yes, I know alot of people who have done
exactly this. And many more who self medicate with non-prescription
drugs such as alchohol, marijuana, etc... I know how to stay healthy
-- but I have to be willing to buck societal norms in order to do it.

I'm quitting the job on Friday. Not exactly sure what's next.... but
it'll be something more in balance with being a human instead of a

On 2/28/06, Garth & Kim Travis wrote:
 > Greetings,
 > Then answer the question: how many people do you know that don't take
 > drugs, daily?
 > I have been in the US for 13 years and have yet to find a doctor that 
 > anything about diet. And no, not just rural doctors. If the doctors are
 > so great, then why is our health care so bad? Sorry, but it is not
 > horseshit, I talk to people constantly all over the US on the internet 
 > have no idea how to get healthy, because their doctors don't know. I
 > assume there are some that do bother to learn, but it is not part of the
 > medical school teaching.
 > Bright Blessings,
 > Kim
 > At 08:49 AM 2/28/2006, you wrote:
 > >Garth & Kim Travis wrote:
 > > > Doctors in this country tell
 > > > people that what they eat makes no difference to their health.
 > > > Diabetics are told that sugar intake has nothing to do with diabetes.
 > >
 > >Kim, I don't mean to be harsh, but that is utter and complete horseshit.
 > >
 > >My sister and her husband, both internists, counsel patients on diet,
 > >heart disease and diabetes every single day. Nor are they some wierdos
 > >outside the mainstream for doing so.
 > >
 > >Here is the AMA clinical road map for *dietary* management of adult 
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >Here are the ADA clinical practice guidelines for 2006:
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >Maybe the white haired country docs in rural Texas are ignorant of
 > >current practice recommendations, but I find your sweeping
 > >generalization to be overly broad.
 > >
 > >jh
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > >
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