> Waving your national flag in a global village like
> this is like farting in church.

Chuckle..., chuckle..., snarf..., smurf...

ROFL ROFL  :-)  

Glad I wasn't sipping tea when it was read.

Keith Addison wrote:

>Well now, E. in Montana. It was your wife who joined the list, not 
>you. Now you say "we joined the list", but there was no we, just her. 
>Her message to the list administrators said nothing about sharing a 
>joint account with you, let alone a joint list membership. She was 
>twice referred to the list rules and list resources so that she would 
>know what sort of community she was joining, and it didn't include 
>you. You're not a list member here, you do not have the right to post 
>messages. You did not make the distinction clear in your first 
>message replying to Fox Mulder and everyone thought it was your wife. 
>Now you say who you are so you can tell me you're a veteran who knows 
>better. You just told Todd you're expecting to be kicked out for your 
>behaviour. And your wife is aware of all this.
>You said this to Todd:
>>of that for me, since after all I did write it. I am doing my best 
>>not to get thrown off >before I have everything said. So I will 
>>continue to try to be nice.
>Where in the world will all this NOT get you kicked out, try to be 
>nice or not? You and your wife with you?
>The "everything" that you feel you have to get said has all been said 
>here before, many times. By vets, like you, and by vets who're not at 
>all like you, there are quite a lot of them here. And what emerges is 
>that it's just blinkered nonsense anyway. It fits your tactics 
>though. Eg, you tell Todd you got him all "worked up" but it's you 
>that's worked up, and worse, by Fox's original message.
>Todd and I have argued before on the list when someone comes along 
>demanding that allegedly "off-topic" posts be censored, breaking the 
>oldest and strictest list rule against calling for restricted 
>discussion, and so he gets the boot, as required. Todd disagrees - 
>give him enough rope so he can hang himself in full public view, says 
>Todd. I said the boot is what the list itself had decided but I'd 
>think about it.
>You haven't yet demanded that "off-topic" posts be censored, but 
>what's the difference, you most certainly qualify for instant booting 
>anyway, on several grounds.
>However, on the contrary, go right ahead, take as much rope as you 
>like. Make my day. I mean it - if you stay and argue this out point 
>for point like an honest man without resorting to bluster and denial 
>and namecalling, you really will make my day.
>So drop the blather and state your case. But take care, don't booted 
>for the wrong reasons. Follow the rules, they're here, read them 
>right now, read them carefully:
>Use this, it's required:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (60,000 messages):
>60,000 messages over six years by thousands and thousands of people 
>all over the world, including many Americans, of all stripes. Think 
>about it. It's the list's collective memory. Three years ago people 
>here were warning about what is happening in Iraq now, and in the US 
>too. And you still haven't figured it out.
>>I spent 14 months in Vietnam in the Marines. I think that qualifies 
>>me to know how a >lot of these guys feel.
>I'm a journalist. The last person I'd ask about what's going on in a 
>war zone is a soldier. I'd ask, but last, not first.
>What I've said here before is that just about nobody in the world 
>outside the US cares a damn about how your soldiers feel, millions of 
>people have just been saying so yet again rather loudly on the 
>streets of the world's capitals. They're the soldiers of an army of 
>occupation following an illegal invasion of a sovereign state, which 
>is a war crime, and so far they've killed between 100,000 and half a 
>million people there. It's your victims people care about, not your 
>brave soldiers who start shooting in all directions in the middle of 
>a crowded city as soon as a mouse squeaks and use 250,000 bullets per 
>dead alleged "insurgent", destroying entire cities in the doing. 
>That's what soldiers do, they kill people and destroy property, 
>that's what they're for.
>Your reply to Fox Mulder said:
>>... and that Iraqi men women and children are killing U S soldiers 
>>who are there > dying for them
>You just said the same thing to me:
>>But what about the soldiers? As in Vietnam the people they are there 
>>to protect are also >trying to kill them.
>And your soldiers somehow killed hundreds of thousands of them by 
>mistake? "Ooops!" ???
>You added something about corrupt US politicians there, but that's a 
>different subject - are you really saying that US soldiers are in 
>Iraq fighting and dying for the good of Iraqi men women and children 
>and you're protecting them?
>In your reply to me below you acknowledge the information I posted. 
>But did you read it? Like these two?
>>>Chaos Accomplished
>>>Welcome to Liberated Iraq
>How do you square all that (which is just from yesterday's grab bag, 
>any day will do) plus a truly massive amount of corroborating 
>evidence with your statement that your soldiers are protecting Iraqi 
>men women and children? That's a keyhole view that's only held by 
>some (ever-fewer) right-wing Americans and is only ever defended by 
>bluster and denial. That describes your reply to Fox, it's a 
>scattergun blast aimed at everything except the content of Fox's 
>message. You're blowing smoke, and so far it's you who's done all the 
>name-calling too.
>>... Like all other Americans reading this list I have been letting 
>>all of the hostile >remarks (by people who seem to have no sense of 
>>reality) slide right on by back into >the garbage pits from whence 
>>they came.
>You also said you haven't kept "a list of the Moronic remarks 
>espoused or thier perpetrators", but as I said, the list has a memory 
>even if you don't, so use the archives. Try to understand - when you 
>say things here they're on record.
>Specify which "hostile remarks" you mean, please state why the people 
>who made them have no sense of reality and state your specific 
>reasons for referring to them as "garbage pits", or withdraw your 
>remark and apologise for it.
>Also explain why you think Fox Mulder's copying a news item about US 
>Marines allegedly committing war crimes is name-calling, what it has 
>to do with corrupt politicians, and why you assume from it that he 
>and apparently others think they're living in perfect Utopian 
>societies (which owe you money, for some reason).
>On the other hand, you could just apologise for the whole ridiculous 
>rant and admit that you were (are?) a lot more worked up and a lot 
>less calm and rational than Todd is. You won't lose face if you do 
>that, everybody always respects someone who's got the guts to come 
>off it.
>You're human, eh? Humans can be pretty inhuman, as this thread is 
>saying. IMNSHO, some of the very important things that keep us human 
>are our memories, our communities, and our imaginations. Imagination 
>is the ability to live a thousand lives.
>You've already said you think your community is dysfunctional. But if 
>"foreigners" say so you spring to the defence of America the Brave 
>and Good and call them morons from a garbage pit.
>This list is an online community and it's not dysfunctional. Here 
>you're talking to thousands of people, Americans as well as people 
>from just about every other country and culture. There are all brands 
>of Christians here, and of Jews, and of Muslims, including list 
>members from most or all of the Arab states, including Iraq, and 
>indeed Vietnamese too. It's not just talk, very many of these people 
>are very active in their communities and beyond.
>Waving your national flag in a global village like this is like 
>farting in church.
>So now you're in a community, and it's got a memory even if you 
>haven't, and you're demanding we use our imagination:
>>Before you condemn a soldier, try to put yourself in his shoes. You 
>>may find some grace for him.        I am not condoning murder.
>You're ignoring it, you're pretending it's not there.
>I know about soldiers, and I know that putting myself in a soldier's 
>shoes and watching him/me kill helpless women and children will not 
>arouse any human sympathy in me for the soldier. Nor hatred either - 
>you hate evil deeds, not those who do them. With your "thieves", 
>however, the ones back home in safety who pull all the strings, 
>that's a little more difficult. Have you tried putting yourself in 
>their shoes? This is what I get, and I don't care which nation they 
>come from:
>And I hope that you die
>And your death'll come soon
>I will follow your casket
>In the pale afternoon
>And I'll watch while you're lowered
>Down to your deathbed
>And I'll stand o'er your grave
>'Til I'm sure that you're dead
>(Masters of War, Bob Dylan, 1963)
>>And they, like us from Vietnam, get to live with the "FACT" that it 
>>was all over the money grabbing corrupt politicians. You try to 
>>remember that you served your country not the thieves running it.
>Have another look at that. What it says is that you didn't serve your 
>country, you only thought you were serving it at the time but in 
>reality you were serving a bunch of thieves, as you later discovered. 
>You were just a mug. You're trying to remember something that didn't 
>happen. Meanwhile what did happen was that you destroyed a whole 
>country and killed millions of people. But all you can say about that 
>now is that they tried to kill you while you were protecting them.
>What exactly is it again that being an ex-Marine vet qualifies you to know?
>That's also the only "fact" about the Iraqis that you've shown any 
>interest in, that you protect them but they try to kill you.
>Read those two articles I referred to above, and then put yourself in 
>*their* shoes:
>You're trying to go about your daily business in peace and goodwill 
>like everyone else when this heavy looking dude comes up to you, 
>waves a gun in your face and says he's there to protect you, then he 
>starts shooting your wife and children and blows up your house. So, 
>naturally and understandably enough, (a) your daughter, the only 
>survivor, sends the heavy dude a box of chocolates on St Valentine's 
>Day; or (b) you and everyone you know tell the guy to stop it and go 
>home but he won't listen and keeps on doing it, so you get hold of a 
>gun and start shooting back.
>Almost all Iraqis have been trying every way they know how for three 
>years to tell you to stop protecting them and go home. Why don't you 
>I think your problem is that you can't see anything because you've 
>got a flag wrapped round your head. You're shooting at a target that 
>doesn't exist. We make a strong distinction between "Washington" and 
>"Americans", so does the whole world, even still. Nations and flags 
>are about power and manipulation, not about people and their 
>communities. False flags are the only kind there is. Why don't you 
>open your eyes at last?
>Keith Addison
>Journey to Forever
>KYOTO Pref., Japan
>Biofuel list owner
>>Hello Keith
>>This is E in Montana.  All of these things you cite about possible 
>>atrocities are disgusting and regrettable like most everything else 
>>in war. But what about the soldiers? As in Vietnam the people they 
>>are there to protect are also trying to kill them. By the way the E 
>>stands for ED, my wife and I shared an email address when we joined 
>>the list. I spent 14 months in Vietnam in the Marines. I think that 
>>qualifies me to know how a lot of these guys feel. It is no fun to 
>>spend every day waiting for a sniper bullet to end your life or to 
>>have it ended by a bomb planted by say a 3 year old child. It does 
>>something to you! It does something to you to be a  "survivor" . You 
>>never forget the ones that died and those that wish they had. And 
>>they, like us from Vietnam, get to live with the "FACT" that it was 
>>all over the money grabbing corrupt politicians. You try to remember 
>>that you served your country not the thieves running it. 
>>Also my previous post was meant to have very little to dowith this 
>>one. It was meant for the many anti-American remarks made in 
>>previous weeks.                Before you condemn a soldier, try to 
>>put yourself in his shoes. You may find some grace for him.        I 
>>am not condoning murder.
>>P.S. Don't knock our country.     Do as you wish with our corrupt 
>>From:  Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Reply-To:  Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>To:  Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>Subject:  Re: [Biofuel] [off topic]US marines 'massscred Iraqi civilians'
>>Date:  Wed, 22 Mar 2006 05:37:29 +0900
>>>A link:
>>>US Marines investigated for Iraq war crimes - World - Times Online
>>>March 17, 2006
>>>By Jenny Booth and agencies
>>>About a dozen US Marines are being investigated for possible war
>>>crimes after the deaths last year of 15 Iraqi civilians caught in the
>>>crossfire during a gun battle with insurgents.
>>>US raid on home killed 11 family members
>>>By Amer Amery
>>>03/16/06 - TIKRIT, Iraq, March 15 (Reuters) - Eleven members of an
>>>Iraqi family were killed in a U.S. raid on Wednesday, police and
>>>witnesses said. The U.S. military said two women and a child died
>>>during the bid to seize an al Qaeda militant from a house. A senior
>>>Iraqi police officer said autopsies on the bodies, which included
>>>five children, showed each had been shot in the head. Community
>>>leaders said they were outraged at the killings and demanded an
>>>explanation from the U.S. military. ...
>>>Telegraph | News | SAS soldier quits Army in disgust at 'illegal'
>>>American tactics in Iraq
>>>SAS soldier quits Army in disgust at 'illegal' American tactics in Iraq
>>>By Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent
>>>(Filed: 12/03/2006)
>>>An SAS soldier has refused to fight in Iraq and has left the Army
>>>over the "illegal" tactics of United States troops and the policies
>>>of coalition forces. After three months in Baghdad, Ben Griffin told
>>>his commander that he was no longer prepared to fight alongside
>>>American forces.
>>>Conquer and Divide (March 16, 2006)
>>>The 48-page "Beyond Abu-Ghraib: Detention and Torture in Iraq" was
>>>virtually ignored by US media, and that's a shame. Its findings,
>>>based on extensive interviews with (among others) Iraq's prisoners,
>>>former prisoners, and their families, directly implicate Washington
>>>in <I>current</I> human rights abuses, and go a long way toward
>>>explaining why a continuing US troop presence in Iraq, far from
>>>keeping a lid on civil war, is actually making the violence,
>>>sectarian and otherwise, far worse.
>>>Iraq: Beyond Abu Ghraib: Detention and torture in Iraq - Amnesty 
>>>6 March 2006
>>>According to Amnesty International, the US-led occupation forces
>>>continue to use torture in Iraq. The US and UK have ignored their
>>>obligations under international law and have "attached insufficient
>>>weight to human rights considerations." Iraqi detainees are held
>>>without trial or sentence, and Iraqi authorities have continued a
>>>pattern initiated by the US in systematically violating detainees'
>>>Chaos Accomplished
>>>By Joshua Holland, AlterNet. Posted March 20, 2006.
>>>Three years after the U.S. invasion, a snapshot of Iraq reveals a
>>>country that is miles from anything resembling a 'road to progress.'
>>>Welcome to Liberated Iraq
>>>By Entesar Mohammad Ariabi, AlterNet. Posted March 20, 2006.
>>> From a physician's viewpoint, liberation means rising infant
>>>mortality, critical shortages of medicines, terrorized doctors and
>>>the return of diseases once under control.
>>>Editor's Note: The following are the remarks of Dr. Entissar Mohammad
>>>Ariabi, a pharmacist from Yarmook Hospital who is part of an Iraqi
>>>women's delegation touring the U.S., organized by CODEPINK and Global
>>>Exchange. She spoke on March 18 in West Palm Beach, Florida.
>>>Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000
>>>Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially
>>>acknowledged) In Bush's War 2318
>>>The War in Iraq Costs
>>>See the cost in your community
>>>'Iraq was awash in cash. We played football with bricks of $100 bills'
>>>At the beginning of the Iraq war, the UN entrusted $23bn of Iraqi
>>>money to the US-led coalition to redevelop the country. With the
>>>infrastructure of the country still in ruins, where has all that
>>>money gone? Callum Macrae and Ali Fadhil on one of the greatest
>>>financial scandals of all time
>>>Monday March 20, 2006
>>>And so on.
>>>>US marines 'massscred Iraqi civilians' Tuesday March
>>>>21, 09:11 AM
>>>>Click to enlarge photo
>>>>A US magazine has released a video it claims shows a
>>>>civilian massacre by American marines in Iraq.
>>>>The incident, which happened last November in the town
>>>>of Haditha, was captured by a journalism student, Time
>>>>Magazine says.
>>>>The graphic footage shows heavily bloodstained rooms,
>>>>and bodies of the alleged victims wrapped in rugs at
>>>>the house and in the local morgue.
>>>>Residents in the Iraqi town claim the incident
>>>>happened shortly after a roadside bomb killed a US
>>>>Marine in a western Iraqi town last year.
>>>>US forces went into nearby houses and shot dead 15
>>>>members of two families, including a three
>>>>year-old-girl, residents said.
>>>>"American troops immediately cordoned the area and
>>>>raided two nearby houses, shooting at everyone
>>>>inside," said a witness. "It was a massacre in every
>>>>sense of the word."
>>>>Time said the available evidence did not provide
>>>>conclusive proof that the Marines deliberately killed
>>>>innocent civilians.
>>>>The US Military, after being presented with evidence
>>>>in January, concluded that civilians were killed by
>>>>Marines, Time said, victims of "collateral damage"
>>>>rather than deliberate murder.
>>>>Lieutenant General Peter Chiarelli, the number-two US
>>>>commander in Iraq, said about 12 Marines were under
>>>>investigation for possible war crimes in the incident.
>>>>He said the case was referred to the Naval Criminal
>>>>Investigative Service.
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