
When  folks  start chopping up mails to answer them it leaves a lot to
be  desired.  Pulling things out of context, omitting things, changing
meanings  in  the  middle of the game.  Sounds very like how organized
religion works.

Saturday, 25 March, 2006, 13:59:08, you wrote:

ES> Why not? Well, I'll tell you the one, single, solitary reason I
ES> classify myself as one of those dirty republicans...but I tell you I'm
ES> so close to the fence it's amazing.

This  is  somewhat confusing.  To which fence in particular are you so

ES> That  reason  is that I want power locally, in the hands of small,
ES> local  government, local voters, and local business. I'm not naive
ES> enough to believe that many of the most important policy decisions
ES> are  made in this fashion--but I cling to the hope, just like many
ES> of  you  cling  to the hope that the policies you hate will change
ES> simply by more people getting mad about them.

If you remember I was responding to this:

"But Kerry, and Gore before him, would only have meant business as
usual anyway,different band, same old song, everybody hates it. Don't
you have any rock'n'roll?"

Admittedly I came in in the middle of a discussion, but Kerry and Gore
are  hardly  "local"  players.   What  does your reply have to do with
national  politics,  or  have  I  missed  something  and  was it local
politics  the  discussion was about?  If so please pardon me for being
hasty and not having the good sense to inform myself as to the context
of the discussion.

ES> I believe that it's perfectly, 100% acceptable for people in one
ES> community to be ok with things that other people think are horrible,
ES> and to have different opinions of what laws and products are most
ES> important for every day life.

ES> I think that one of the big rifts in America is, simply, what people
ES> think are important items for daily life. I'm surrounded by moderaly
ES> poor Americans, ones whose focus is surviving, day to day, who don't
ES> have time to concentrate on foreign policy or environmentalism, and
ES> until some golden grail of welfare reform sweeps across the nation,
ES> they MUST be allowed to continue as they have...they must continue to
ES> get services until it can be fixed...Their concern has to focus on
ES> feeding their family, because that is their immediate necessity. Do I
ES> believe these people will vote differently than, say, people in Vale
ES> Colorado on environmental and tax issues? OF COURSE I DO, and I think
ES> it's perfectly acceptable. Like I said, until the changes that we all
ES> want actually happen, certain individuals must be allowed to maintain
ES> the status quo.

Does this mean we are back to national politics or?

ES> Now...continuing on that line of thought, in America, we have primary
ES> elections. And before primary elections, we have races. And in those
ES> races, its peoples obligation to learn about candidates and, if they
ES> can, financially support them. IF you especially support someone, you
ES> tell people about them, and you vote with your wallet just as much as
ES> your ballot.

Please   explain,  in  detail,  how  it  is  anyone's  obligation  to
participate in any kind of races or elections in this land of liberty.
Specifically,  explain to me how it is MY obligation to involve myself
in the workings of a corrupt and, as I see it, evil system.

ES> Now, why do I not advocate not-voting at General Election scale?
ES> Because then you're giving the fruitcake wingers (left and right) the
ES> power to control the government, and that's extra scary on either
ES> side. Even if you arrange a wide-scale voting protest, probably
ES> ESPECIALLY if you arrange it, that's when the fringes will ally and
ES> block vote and ruin everything...and/or you'll see the
ES> third-party-disrupting-the-democrat-vote-phenomenon even harder.
ES> And...if you just decide not to vote on your own to show 'em who's
ES> boss, to me that's like saying "I'm going to dump this $2.50 a gallon
ES> gasoline down the drain to protest gas prices."

Are  you  answering  more  than  just  my  mail  here  or are you just
ad-libbing what you think I believe?

ES> Almost like this guy, but not as extreme:

ES> http://clublet.com/house?page=MarkMcGowan

GSZ> "Person  to  person,  heart  to  heart. Co-operation, discipline,
GSZ> restraint, responsibility."

ES> That's great, and when the carebear song is over, we'll focus back on
ES> reality

It  would  be  nice  for  you to define "reality" and then defend that
definition.  You will not be able to adequately defend it.

ES> and understand  that even if we can get hundreds of thousands
ES> of people to randomly give up the ideas of "Getting ahead", "getting
ES> wealthy", and "punishment", they'll still get kicked in the face
ES> by...well, everyone. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see a socialistic
ES> gated community start, but like I said in my senior thesis, socialism
ES> will never ever work when it has to compete w/ capitalism for raw
ES> products and labor.

I  promise  to quit the carebear song if you promise to stop the Alice
in Wonderland stuff.  First, you are not addressing a socialist of any
sort,  nor  a  Republican,  Democrat,  Libertarian  or  whatever else.
Before  you  begin  to  answer a mail read it, comprehend it, think it
over  and then reply.  There was neither mention nor hint of political
affiliation  or  affinity in my mail.  By the way, labelling is one of
the ten methods of propaganda.

ES> Yes, I do understand the paradox of a "republican" who appreciates 

GSZ> Pollution  and  global  warming  and wars may not kill us but our
GSZ> grandchildren and great-grandchildren?

ES> I'd like to point out that only in the last 50 years has this luxury
ES> of thought been valid...really only in the last 25. Never before in
ES> the history of the human species has man been healthy and successful
ES> enough to seriously worry about this wellbeing in any other way than
ES> financially, and I think it's more the Rockafellers and Carnegies who
ES> thought like that anyway.

This is your opinion which is not to be taken as fact unless proven.

ES> I understand it also has to do w/ science
ES> and free time, but I don't think you can expect the global tide of
ES> thought to change what is really "overnight", especially when more
ES> than half the world lives in conditions that certainly don't allow
ES> them that degree of freedom to alter the consumption patterns of their
ES> daily lives to better serve their children, and even if the Sri Lankan
ES> grandmother DID EVERYTHING she could to produce less pollution, any
ES> american's 9 year would cause more pollution in a year than she has in
ES> 30.

Just to refresh your memory: "Voting isn't going to cut it and neither
is "revolution". It is an evolutionary process." is what I said and if
you  check  it out you will find that evolution is, by definition, not
an "overnight" process.

ES> Not naysaying---possibly being pessimistic, but really being
ES> realistic. Complaining gets you so far...then it becomes time to lace
ES> up your boots and go shitkickin.

Please elaborate.  Define "shitkickin" as used in this instance.

GSZ> "No   self-interest,   no  cherished  beliefs,  no  financial  or
GSZ> political bias."

ES> Save for cultures like maybe Mayans and Aztecs (who I might add are
ES> both extinct), I don't think you're going to find many people in the
ES> *world* willing to vacate their morals, ideas, religion, and well
ES> being of their family and loved ones in order achieve a more utopian
ES> society, especially not all at once.

You  really  need  to  go  re-read  my mail.  You have a comprehension
problem.   You  are  pulling  something  I  wrote  out  of context and
attempting  to  use  it where it obviously does not apply.  Are you in
the organized clergy?

>> Vote  if  you must but that just helps perpetuate the swindle.

ES> Actually, I'll tell you a secret. I do vote on a platform, and on one
ES> exclusively. I vote for education. If a legislator makes 1 vote to
ES> decrease spending or teaching freedom for teachers, I lead a political
ES> action group that immediately blacklists them. Other things are
ES> important to me too, but I believe 100% that education is the first
ES> step, and that integrating more ideas and freedoms for teachers is the
ES> only real way we'll change the attitudes of tomorrow.

Ah,  yes,  education. Let the lunatics run the asylum. Don't teach for
the sake of teaching, teach for the sake of testing. Teach the answers
of  the  test  and  we will have done our job of educating. It doesn't
matter if you can comprehend anything just so long as you can pass the
test.  Then  our  job  is  done.  Please,  give an old man a break. My
mother-in-law  took  a  test  a  few  years ago which was in the Peach
Section  of the Toledo Blade. Fairly straightforward high school fare.
She  is in her 80's and didn't finish high school. She nearly aced it.
Her  grandson,  you  know  the  rich  one with the masters in business
administration,  took  it  and  barely  made 50 percent.  Which is the
educated one?

GSZ>  If  you >> know the game is crooked and you enter it anyway then
there is no room >> for pissing and moaning.

ES> No, I disagree. If you enter the game under one set of rules and then
ES> the rules change, then it's your right and OBLIGATION to show how mad
ES> you are. That's what we're talking about in presidential elections,
ES> someone changing the rules. I'm one of those old school thinkers who
ES> believes that there is rarely a 100% right option. Perhaps in your
ES> primary election there were 13 candidates...you must understand that
ES> ONE of them will be the next leader for whatever position, and you
ES> MUST pick the one that most closely matches your goals, and then
ES> support them entirely, or you have 0 room to complain. For the third
ES> time in this email, I'll say that one of the fundamental issues with
ES> activism is that people expect change overnight, and it's not going to
ES> happen. Change occours over generations...not weeks.

Disagree if you will but you are still missing it.  The rules have NOT
changed.   People  have  just  been ignorant of the rules.  If you are
going to sit in on a crooked game you are either stupid if you know it
is crooked, ignorant if you don't, or are a crook yourself.  There may
be other options but those three pull in most everybody I would think.

And  when  NONE  are near to matching my goals?  And even if they were
they don't have a snowballs chance of meaningful, lasting change?  And
then you go back to my point...evolution.

ES> And as for fun German quotes...

ES> Wer nichts weiss, muss alles Glauben.

Wer  nichts  weíß,  muß alles Glauben.  I'm not using the "new" German
spelling  rules.   I'm more used to Bavarian than high standard German
anyhow but you don't get much of that in books, papers or magazines so
I have to use what is available.

ES> I understand where you're coming from, and I'm assuming you're german,
ES> correct me if I'm wrong. I understand fully the pressures of your own
ES> social system, w/ Turkish refugees, etc, and I see why you have little
ES> time for the pedantic antics of the US system.

You  are  wrong.  Michigander  born and bred of Bavarian, Austrian and
Swiss  stock  with  a  little old County Cork Grandmother who loved to
rail  at  the  "bunch  of bull-headed krauts" whose family she married
into.  Two things the Irish and Germans have in common which makes for
a good match...drinking and arguing. Never a dull moment.

ES> I just choose not to
ES> agree that everything is light and full of gaity and easily changed
ES> paradigm.

You need to go re-read that mail. I didn't say what you implied. Haste
makes  waste.  Read  what  is  written  not what you think is written.
Chopping up a mail makes it almost unintelligible for the most part. I
certainly  could not understand where you were getting whatever it was
that  you were getting and when I read my paragraphs in their entirety
it  doesn't  come  out  to  the  mail  you  answered. Then you need to
translate  these  words  of  Luther (no, I'm not Lutheran): "Aus einem
versagten  Arsch  kommt nie ein fröhlicher Furz!"  Lightness and gaity
have their place.

Perhaps I just jumped in at the wrong time without reading the rest of
the  thread.  Yours just happened to be the first of a couple thousand
of  unread mails in my biofuels folder which I happened to open.  Life
has  been  somewhat  busy  this winter and I'm not nearly as quick and
strong as I once was.  Nonetheless..."All the way!"

Take care.  Have a good one.  Use your dictionary. ;o)

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin
The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

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