Keith Addison wrote:
>>Okay, let's take this in chunks.
> Not okay:
>>>Why not answer the rest of the question Gary? It went like this:
> snippetysnippetysnip...
> Snipping's supposed to remove previous irrelevant matter to save 
> space. But you're a compulsive snipper, and not to save space. Then 
> the "chunks" you're left with aren't quite the same thing, eh?

You know, I never really belived this until now.

I've always used snipping to keep the space down. I keep
things I will comment upon, and snip out the stuff
I am unable/unwilling/can't comment on. Usually, if
I concurr with my debating opponents point, I make
note of that.

It never occured to me to use snipping as editorial
re-wording, in order to twist the debate back into
a structure that more fits my point of view. That's
intellectually dishonest.

I'll certainly watch for that in the future.

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