"There are those who argue that the United States has invaded 
numerous countries without requiring instigation by Israel. This is 
of course true, it's what the empire does for a living." -- William 
Blum, The Anti-Empire Report, April 22, 2006

Overthrowing other people's governments: The Master List



From: robert weissman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [corp-focus] Overthrow
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By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Puerto Rico
South Vietnam

What do these 14 governments have in common?

You got it.

The United States overthrew them.

And in almost in every case, the overthrow can be traced to corporate

In Hawaii, the sugar companies didn't want to pay export duties -- so
they overthrew the queen of Hawaii and made it part of the United States.

In Guatemala, United Fruit wanted Arbenz out.

Out he went.

In Chile, Allende offended the copper interests.

Allende -- dead.

In Iran, Mossadegh offended major oil interests.

Mossadegh out.

In Nicaragua, Jose Santos Zelaya was bothering American lumber and
mining companies.

Zelaya -- out.

In Honduras, an American banana magnate organized the coup of the
Honduran government.

And on down the list.

Democratic Party critics charge that the Bush administration is ripping
the United States from a long history of diplomacy by violently
overthrowing governments.

Not true, says former New York Times foreign correspondent Stephen Kinzer.

Kinzer says that in fact the opposite is true.

"Actually, the United States has been overthrowing governments for more
than a century," Kinzer said in an interview.

He documents this in a new book: Overthrow: America's Century of Regime
Change from Hawaii to Iraq (Times Books, 2006).

Overthrow is the third in a series of regime change books by Kinzer.

His previous two: All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of
Middle East Terror (2003), and Bitter Fruit: The Untold Story of the
American Coup in Guatemala (1982).

Together, they would make a remarkable "regime change" boxed set for the

Kinzer left the Times last year. He says that the parting was "perfectly
amicable" -- although he doesn't sound convincing when he says this.

What is clear is that Kinzer is not comfortable with establishment
rationales for the American imperial project.

This became clear during an interview Kinzer gave on NPR's Fresh Air
with Terry Gross earlier this month.

Gross tried to get Kinzer to concede that if we hadn't overthrown these
governments, the Soviets would have taken over, or today, radical Islam
will take over.

Kinzer didn't give an inch.

For example, Gross said that had we not overthrown these 14 governments,
"the Soviets might have won the Cold War."

"I don't think that's true at all," Kinzer responded. "In the first
place, the countries whose governments we overthrew, all countries that
we claimed were pawns of the Kremlin, actually were nothing of the sort.
We now know, for example, that the Kremlin had not the slightest
interest in Guatemala at all in the early 1950s. They didn't even know
Guatemala existed. They didn't even have diplomatic or economic relations."

"The leader of Iran who we overthrew was fiercely anti-communist. He
came from an aristocratic family. He despised Marxist ideology."

"In Chile, we always portrayed President Allende as a cat's paw of the
Kremlin. We now know from documents that have come out that the Soviets
and the Chinese were constantly fighting with him and urging him to calm
down and not be so provocative towards the Americans. So, in the first
place, the Soviets were not behind those regimes. We completely
overestimated the influence of the Soviet Union on those regimes."

When Gross asked Kinzer what he thought of the "spread of radical
Islam," Kinzer didn't hesitate.

"We sometimes like to think that our interventions in these countries
don't have effects, but when we break down the doors of foreign
countries and impose our own leaders, as we did in Iran and as we've
recently done in Iraq, we outrage a lot of people," Kinzer said. "We
like to think that everybody will soon calmly come to realize that by
rational standards, this was a good thing to do. But that doesn't
happen. We are not able to change cultures as easily as we are able to
change regimes."

The United States had a hand in many other overthrows, but Kinzer
limited his cases to those where the United States was the primary mover
and shaker.

So, for example, while the United States played a role in the overthrow
of Lumumba in the Congo, Kinzer says that it was primarily an operation
by Belgium on behalf of large Belgian mining interests.

This might be the most important book to read as the United States
approaches a showdown with Iran.

President Bush says he's trying to bring democracy to Iran.

In fact, Iranians had democracy once.

And we crushed it.

Kinzer is on tour promoting his book.

And he's got a gig at Northwestern University in Chicago, where he lives.

He's teaching a course in regime change.

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime
Reporter, <http://www.corporatecrimereporter.com>. Robert Weissman is
editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Multinational Monitor,
<http://www.multinationalmonitor.org>. Mokhiber and Weissman are
co-authors of On the Rampage: Corporate Predators and the Destruction of
Democracy (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press).

(c) Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

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