I read your post and I have to say; if I set aside the stuff we already talked about, the stuff with which I already disagreed (providing an extensive explanation as to why), and the stuff of which most people are already aware, I find myself in full support of you comments.
Thank you!

Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You mentioned Gulags and if I am not wrong, US have something very
similar or worse in Gutanamo. It is also now clear that people got
kidnapped by US and sent to secret jails or other nations for
"questioning". The principle and use are roughly the same as the Gulags.

Yes, the democrats are not using "Stalinist" methods, but Bush is
doing his best. You are right, the democrats are not there yet, it is
the republicans. I assume that they are using the tax dollars for it
also. Stalin hijacked the communist idea and built an apparatus to
spy and control the citizens. Stalin's USSR had little to do with
Lenin's communist ideas.

Today we know that there were links between Lenin and the financial
powers in Europe and US. Lenin in his French exile was financially
supported and it was "corporate" powers who worked on a "regime
change" and "democracy" in Russia. Stalin was probably a "dark horse"
in this and an uneducated leader, who was unsuitable to lead Russia
into the "industrial revolution". He was a product of a backlash and
an unwanted surprise.

The pattern for Lenin, follows the pattern that later brought AH to
power in Germany. He also built Gulags/Gutanamos to control the
people. AH clearly had "corporate support" and western ideas.

This were the big historical dictators, helped and supported by
corporations. Then we have numerous small examples in Europe, Far
East, Africa and South America and the current backlash against them.
History take 100 years to write and it not until now, that we start
to get perspective on what happened in the period before the Russian
revolution and WWI.


At 00:12 13/05/2006, you wrote:
>Someone asked:
>"i believe someone referred to the socialist/communist farce in the USSR as
>Stalinist? would that be a fitting label?"If I understood the
>question correctly, it was (tongue-in-cheek) about using the label
>"Stalinist" on Democrats. Of course, I could be mistaken. In any
>event, I have no idea how Cuba entered the conversation.
>You wrote: "...this philosophy to use non national soil is a step further."
>I don't understand what you are trying to say. I'm guessing you are
>referring to Russia using Cuba to extend it's expansionist agenda.
>If true, I'm not sure where it fits into the conversation.
>Hakan Falk wrote:
>>Gulags yes, but it is in Cuba of course and a bit warmer than
>>Siberia, this philosophy to use non national soil is a step further.
>>Assassinate, we do not really know, if we exclude Iraq of course. In
>>Iraq it is FFA, except for the English who prosecute their military
>>if they murder Iraqi civilians and they find out about it.
>>At 23:22 12/05/2006, you wrote:
>>>Only if they can use tax dollars to build gulags and assassinate
>>>with impunity.
>>>We're not their yet.
>>>Jason & Katie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>>i believe someone referred to the socialist/communist farce in the USSR as
>>>stalinist? would that be a fitting label?
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Zeke Yewdall"
>>>Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 9:29 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Hidden Agenda Behind the Bird Flu Hoax
>>>>I would say agree that the democrats are not very good socialists --
>>>>morons would be the best description I can think of for them.
>>>>On 5/12/06, Michael Redler wrote:
>>>>>Democrats make piss-poor socialists and to imply that that they are, is
>>>>>insult to socialists. If Teddy Kennedy ran in a true socialist election,
>>>>>doubt that he would get a single vote - even if he were the only
>>>>>However, there are candidates who run as members of the socialist party.
>>>>>They are clearly noticeable by their intelligent and articulate responses
>>>>>the issues, their concern for the working class, and virtual invisibility
>>>>>the "mainstream" media.
>>>>>Camejo's campaign gives the right answers
>>>>>The Democrats aren't a solution
>>>>>The presidential campaigns of Socialist Party leader Eugene Debs
>>>>>Ray in Atlanta GA wrote:
>>>>>Unfortunately, both the socialists, whoops Democrats, and the fascists,
>>>>>excuse me, I mean Republicans, are all busy breaking their necks to jump
>>>>>on Shrub's band wagon.
>>>>>Ray in Atlanta GA
>>>>>D. Mindock wrote:
>>>>>>This seems to be inline with the idea of a police state. Collect all
>>>>>>the info on citizens possible to be stored in
>>>>>>a huge database. The cuckoo bird flu scare (a hoax) is to get us to
>>>>>>that anyone can be detained for silly reasons along with the database
>>>>>>your airline flights. When
>>>>>>they say the data is to be maintained for at least two months, you can
>>>>>>believe it will be much longer than that. Just like
>>>>>>your online traffic through your ISP, all of it, is to be maintained
>>>>>>at least a year thanks to a proposal by US Congresswoman DeGette
>>>>>>(D-CO). Yes, she calls herself a Democrat. We need to write our
>>>>>>reps that this BS won't fly with us. It is wrong that the NSA and the
>>>>>>Pentagon are spying on us. BushCo is a fear based, secretive,
>>>>>>devisive, newspeak government that is totally controlled by corporate
>>>>>>powers. I think this is the definition of a fascist regime. No wonder
>>>>>>the world is becoming terrified of our goverment. Bush and Dead-Eye
>>>>>>Dick appear to be out-of-control.
>>>>>>Work for Peace, D. Mindock
>>>>>>The Hidden Agenda Behind the Bird Flu Hoax
>>>>>>Bird FluA plan to quarantine sick airline and ship passengers in order
>>>>>>to combat a potential bird flu outbreak has outraged health experts,
>>>>>>airlines, and civil libertarians.
>>>>>>*Three-Day Quarantine*
>>>>>>Sick passengers would be identified by flight attendants, pilots and
>>>>>>cruise ship crews. Passengers identified as sick could be detained in
>>>>>>quarantine for as long as three days.
>>>>>>*Detailed Information*
>>>>>>The proposed rules would also require airlines to collect detailed
>>>>>>contact information from their passengers, including the names of any
>>>>>>traveling companions and precise information regarding travel plans.
>>>>>>information would be stored for at least two months, and would be
>>>>>>provided to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at any time the
>>>>>>government asked for it.
>>>>>>USA Today
>>>>>>April 25, 2006
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