(editorial note; I hate word-wrap)

M&K DuPree wrote:
> Joe Street asks, Is there anything we at home can do to help speed this 
> process? :)
> I suggest: Implore your Federal representatives to continue raising the debt 
> ceiling, 
> to continue supporting the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, to start another war 
> in 
> Iran, etc etc.  Or better, don't waste your time.  Instead, I ask you, Joe, 
> and 
> the List, how do you believe the average "Joe" should prepare for the 
> inevitable 
> demise of the US dollar???  I'm not trying to be facetious.  I'm asking a 
> real 
> question, seeking a real answer.  Might not like the answer, but I'd like to 


"how do you believe the average "Joe" should prepare for the inevitable
 demise of the US dollar??? "

A simple note;

I'm 50 years old. I've heard about the pending collapse/failure of
the US system my whole life. It's inevitable, and right around the
corner. That mindset is just simply part of me.

Yet, it doesn't happen,

Sure, it's going to happen tomorrow, but we said that yesterday,
and the day before.

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