I suspect the vulcanism is a product of telluric current and not visible 
photons. I submit as an argument the fact granite is NEVER a product of 
vulcanism. If volcanoes got their heat from the core granite should be a common 
product and not as we observe - absent 100% of the time.
  Heretical science

Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I am reminded of my post a while back on global warming where I speculated 
that if the earth is viewed as a closed system floating in a vacuum where the 
energy flux adsorbed is balanced by the radiated loss on the dark side, if the 
outflux is reduced then the entire earth as a system must warm.  Sure this 
mostly is felt in the atmosphere but it stands to reason that the energy flux 
leaking out of the earth itself will be affected thus the sub surface 
tempreatures will also rise after some time. We do se ocean temperatures rising 
already. I speculated that volcanic activity would eventually change as a 
result ( increase I would guess) Are we seeing signs of this already?  I think 
ultimately this has been a corrective cycle in the earth's history where 
volcanic ejecta has acted to then limit incoming flux and hence bring on a 
cooling cycle.


M&K DuPree wrote:
          My stomach makes strange rumblings too and I know I'm an inch shorter 
than I was a year ago, oh, and I've been sleeping for most of my nearly 55 
years while my landscape has been reshaped, does all this mean I am about to 
explode??  Thank you, Kirk, for passing along the astute observations of a 
Frosty Piss.  Makes me appreciate the fire in my belly.  Mike DuPree
    ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kirk McLoren 
  To: biofuel 
  Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 2:29 AM
  Subject: [Biofuel] Yellowstone Supervolcano Making Strange Rumblings

| Yellowstone Supervolcano Making Strange Rumblings                  |
|   from the if-you-need-me-i'll-be-in-the-netherlands dept.         |
|   posted by Zonk on Thursday March 15, @15:28 (Science)            |
|   http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/03/15/1836223      |

[0]Frosty Piss writes "Supervolcanoes can sleep for centuries or
millennia before producing incredibly massive eruptions that can drop 
across an entire continent. One of the largest supervolcanoes in the
world lies beneath Yellowstone National Park. [1]Significant activity
continues beneath the surface. And the activity has been increasing
lately, scientists have discovered. In addition, the nearby Teton Range
of mountains is somehow getting shorter. The findings, reported this
month in the Journal of [2]Journal of Geophysical Research, suggest 
a slow and gradual movement of a volcano over time can shape a 
more than a violent eruption."

Discuss this story at:

    0. http://slashdot.org/NoJailForPot.com
    1. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17629668/
    2. http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2007/2006JB004325.shtml

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