No firearms in Japan so trap or poison.
  You can trap one. The rest will then be educated.
  Poison has management problems but sometimes that has to be done.
  I hope it is lawful. Japanese jails have a reputation.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi all

A pesky crow moved in a couple of weeks ago. I guess they're all 
pesky, I haven't met any other kind. It reckons this is its territory 
now, there are good pickings here, it's taken to scavenging poultry 
feed for instance, sneak-thief, darts in as soon as your back's 

Trouble is there'll be flocks of hatchlings around soon, with their 
mums to look after them indeed, but chicks run around, the crow will 
get some of them.

We killed a crow a year or two ago. We'd been having problems with 
them, thieving and so on, and they killed five chicks. Then a couple 
of crows got into the chicken hutch and Midori killed one, the other 
escaped. We hung the dead one up outside the chicken hutch and the 
crows kept away after that. Up to now.

How do you catch a crow when it's not trapped in a chicken hutch? Any 
ideas? I set a trap for a raiding raccoon a couple of months back and 
caught it but I won't catch a crow that way.




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