 it may be worth keeping an eye on this site. 

 I have just read a book available from this site (more a leaflet), written by 
Pauline Rigby called 'Your future with Depleted Uranium'.
 I found it a bit of an eye-opener. I had never realised exactly what depleted 
uranium really is: It is the by-product from the enrichment process. It is 
still highly radioactive, consisting almost entirely of U-238.
 The U-238 is 1.7 times heavier than lead, & has incredible armour-piercing 
characteristics. It also turns anything it contacts radioactive. This has 
lead to deaths of servicemen, & civilians, and all the problems of a 
radioactive area causing birth defects, etc long after the conflict has 
finished. As a shell is fired, it burns, releasing Uranuim Oxide a deadly 
 The booklet also states that Bush Senior was convicted of war crimes for the 
use of DU armaments.

regards Doug

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