Hallo Olivier,

I  just  want  to  know  if  I am understanding you correctly. Are you
saying  that  accuracy  counts for nothing then or something else? Are
you  speaking  about  blood,  nationality,  citizenship, what? I'm not
looking to argue here but to understand your meaning.

Happy Happy,


Monday, 10 September, 2007, 02:34:40, you wrote:
>> Hi Kirk,
>> did you watched the whole Video?
>> I found a small (or big ) Mistake towards the End!
>> Albert Einstein was presented as an other Austrian Scientist!
>> In my books Einstein was born in Ulm Germany and this makes him a German
>> Scientist!

OM> Being born in Germany, would that really make him German ?
OM> (even though, yes he was born German in Ulm in 1879)!)
OM> Just curiosity. But if it was born let say in Switzerland then he won't be
OM> Swiss. He would still be German.

OM> He did studied in Zurich Switzerland and worked in Berne Switzerland at his
OM> early age, then in Prague, 1911 before he became a teacher at the
OM> polytechnic school in Zurich (where he studied), 1912.

OM> Then in my book it says:
OM> He joined the Institute for Advanced Study de Princeton and later took the
OM> American nationality in 1940. And passed away in 1955 in Princeton.

>> Not very important in my Philosophie but why the misrepresentation?
>> Fritz

OM> Olivier

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The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
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C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
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daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
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George Carlin
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