by Cristina L. Archer (), and Mark Z. Jacobson ()   The paper summarizing the 
results presented below was published in the Journal of Geophysical Research - 
Atmospheres in 2005. A copy of the manuscript can be downloaded here (MS Word, 
~4 MB) or here (PDF, ~17 MB). 
  Assuming that statistics generated from all stations analyzed here are 
representative of the global distribution of winds, global wind power generated 
at locations with mean annual wind speeds ¡Ý 6.9 m/s at 80 m is found to be ~72 
TW (~54,000 Mtoe) for the year 2000. Even if only ~20% of this power could be 
captured, it could satisfy 100% of the world?s energy demand for all purposes 
(6995-10177 Mtoe) and over seven times the world?s electricity needs (1.6-1.8 
TW). Several practical barriers need to be overcome to fully realize this 

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