Hi Doug

>While I understand that my country never intends to truly "liberate"
>Iraq and her citizens, but I wonder Naomi Klein understands how naive
>going on about the reported 25/75 split will be read by royalty owners
>in the United State.

That would by a very partial reading.

>25% is twice as much as royalty owners in the
>United States typically receive.In the event a conservative talk show
>host hasn't yet used that detail to discredit, the more reasonable
>points Klein offers one soon will

Royalty owners in the US also wouldn't be delighted to get only 3% 
instead of their usual 12.5%. Anyway that wasn't the deal - Iraq only 
gets 25% when it was supposed to get 100% and it's their oil anyway, 
and the guys with the 75% shouldn't even be there, they're just 
poised to rip the rest of the place off too.

It's stretching it to call it royalties. You'd have to go back to the 
50s to find oil royalties like that. Even then, when Aramco (Socal) 
was forced to cough up a share at last, the Saudis got 50%, not just 

Actually Klein doesn't refer to royalties. She calls it pillage, and 
she talks of a heist, and a stick-up, but she doesn't say royalties.

Trying in advance to sidestep what conservative talk show hosts in 
the US might refer to would probably mean never opening your mouth at 
all, and that might not help either. I suppose it happens, quite an 
ugly form of self-censorship. A visit to FAIR 
<http://www.fair.org/index.php> or SourceWatch 
<http://www.sourcewatch.org/> quickly establishes how reality-based 
talk show hosts tend to be. There's no real pressure on them to 
change their ways, it works well for them and for whoever's paying 
the piper. A part of all this methinks:

Ignorant America: Just How Stupid Are We?

Why People Think Americans are Stupid


And you're going to have an election soon eh? Be prepared for lots of 
scathe from the world's 6.3 billion non-voters.

Anyway Naomi Klein can look after herself, she's more than a match 
for a talk show host, IMHO.



>Doug, N0LKK
>Keith Addison wrote:
>>  Bush-Led 'Disaster Capitalism' Exploits Worldwide Misery to Make a Buck
>  > By Naomi Klein, The Nation

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