Hi James

Thanks. But there's a but...

>Speaking of renewable alternatives, Monbiot has some interesting comments
>ref the UK...

>... Were we to use only 29% of the total resource, the UK would 
>become a net electricity exporter. We would be generating energy 
>equivalent to 1bn barrels of oil a year, which roughly corresponds 
>to the average amount of North Sea oil and gas the UK has been 
>producing over the past four decades.

That's a bit misleading. Very little oil is used for electricity 
generation, it's nearly all coal-fired, or natural gas or nuclear. 
Most oil is used for transport and for heating, and especially as 
feedstock for chemicals manufacturing (where most of the profit comes 

In any case, this is the big if:

>The construction effort would be roughly similar to building the 
>North Sea oil and gas infrastructure: eminently plausible, in other 
>words, if propelled by strong government policy.

If only.

Strong government policy on anything is only a plausible prospect if 
it suits TPTB - or if you and I and the rest of us are willing to 
hold the feet of our noble leaders firmly to the fire, and to be 
relentless about it.

All best


>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Tony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:07 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Scum of the earth
>>  Being an observer from Afar, but still part of the Global community
>>  ( Western Australia in the bush)
>>  Maybe out of this disaster reality might take hold Keith
>>  and people will wake up to the damage Big Oil companies
>>  and oil itself is doing to our world and big change will come out of it
>>  in the form of SERIOUS alternatives to Oil based fuel energy sources.
>>  Focus more on the environmental devastation & Degradation caused by
>>  huge oil spills
>>  and damage it has done. then about the greed of corporate industry for
>>  profits over habitat ,do a Edward De Bono and think Laterally out of
>>  this with proper Direction
>>  by those that give a damn more money should go towards proper research on
>>  the alternative energies we need rather than spending Trillions on
>>  new warfair that is based
>>  over oil anyway
>>  Tony from Toodyay West Au
>>  AKA Moodyne Joe
>>  *who? *
>>  http://westaustralianvista.com/moondyne-joe.html
>>  At 11:06 PM 27/05/2010 +0900, you wrote:
>>>BP is a mad dog. Planet Earth hasn't got cancer as some people say.
>>>It's got rabies. It sure takes some doing to out-dog such stalwart
>>>corporate persons as ExxonMobil, Dow/Union Carbide, Monsanto, Bayer,
>>>Everybody knows there's only one way to deal with a mad dog. Death to
>>>BP. Let's get it done.
>>>"... and I'll stand over your grave 'til I'm sure that you're dead."
>>>(Bob Dylan)
>>>All best
>  >>Keith

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