Thankyou Zeke, Robert and Doug, that couldn't be more clear. Sure 
takes a weight off my mind to know that the fundamental physical 
constants didn't suddenly change last week after all.

As for the offers, I'm not really interested, I'd rather go on 
happily ignoring it.

Anyway, we don't have the old TownAce anymore. We're a bit rough on 
cars, and it was 20 years old already, and giving more and more 
trouble. Actually it was more or less falling apart. It wasn't going 
to make it through the next sha-ken road test without having a lot of 
money chucked at it, more than it was worth, so we scrapped it. The 
situation changed too, we didn't need two vehicles anymore. So now we 
just have the little K-truck, nice. Probably the TownAce got picked 
up by a dealer and refurbished for export, no sha-ken for export so 
it's worth it.

Thanks again - all best


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