"Energy [R]evolution: A Sustainable World Energy Outlook"


Published on Monday, June 7, 2010 by The Economic Times (India)

Renewables Can Create 8.5 Million Jobs: Greenpeace

BERLIN - Climate pressure group Greenpeace said on Monday that 
switching to renewable energy sources could create 8.5 million jobs 
by 2030 if governments turn their backs on "dirty and dangerous" 
fossil fuels.

"Investing in people, rather than dirty and dangerous fossil fuels 
not only boosts global economic development but stems catastrophic 
climate change," Greenpeace said in a new report unveiled in Berlin.

"The sustainable future of the planet is rooted in the investment in 
people and local communities who can install and maintain renewable 
energy sources," it said.

Currently around two million people are employed in the renewables sector.

Greenpeace said that the global market for renewable energy sources 
such as solar or wind power could be worth more than 600 billion 
dollars by 2030, a six-fold increase from now.

The forecasts are based on a scenario of carbon dioxide emissions 
being cut by more than 80 per cent by 2050 from 1990 levels, and 95 
per cent of the world's electricity needs being produced by 
renewables compared with around 18 per cent at present.

Sven Teske, Greenpeace's senior energy expert and co-author of the 
new report, told AFP that this scenario was "ambitious" and that 
major polluters have not set such long-term targets.

The European Union has pledged to cut its emissions by 20 per cent by 
2020 from 1990 levels while President Barack Obama wants US emissions 
to be cut "in the range of 17 per cent" by 2020 compared with 2005 

China, the world's biggest emitter, has pledged to reduce its carbon 
intensity -- the measure of greenhouse-gas emissions per unit of 
gross domestic product -- by 40 to 45 per cent by 2020 based on 2005 

A summit in Copenhagen in December failed to result in an 
across-the-board target for cutting emissions, and the US climate 
negotiator said last month it was politically unrealistic to try to 
agree global targets.

The report, "Energy [R]evolution: A Sustainable World Energy 
Outlook", the third edition, provides a "detailed practical blueprint 
for cutting carbon emissions while achieving economic growth by 
replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy and energy efficiency," 
Greenpeace said.

It "shows how to eliminate unpredictable fossil fuel costs, 
destructive mining and oil exploration and with it catastrophes such 
as the current BP Gulf oil spill" in the Gulf of Mexico, Teske said. 

© 2010 India Times

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