Hi, just want to say a quick thanks 4 all the worldly info & am glad to hear 
that it will continue.  

Count us in 4 any new list/posting so that we may stay on the cutting edge of 
truth... the way 

it should be.  You are an inspiration & a breath of Ozone-FREE Air!

 From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 4:25 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Dear all... [2]
Lots of replies! I read them all, at least once. Many of them said 
very complimentary things that I wasn't at all aware of. (Another 
deep bow.) I haven't started replying yet, I'll do it as I can.

It's given me a clearer picture of how the list works and what people 
use it for. Two points emerge: members like the news snippets, and 
they don't want the list to close.

I've said we'll be replacing the list with a new online community, 
and I thought it could wait until then. But maybe not, maybe you're 
right, it shouldn't close.

Okay, so we won't close it then.

I checked it out with the host service, and we have another few weeks 
yet, so there's no big hurry, we'll figure out the nuts and bolts 
before then. The host service has been great, but we can't continue 
with them.

For 12 years now I've been committed to the list, as list owner and, 
well, its guardian, I suppose, but times change, and I can't afford 
to do that any longer, there just isn't enough time in the day. I'll 
be there, the guy who posts the news snippets, but probably not much 
more than that.

About the archives. As long as the listserve distributes the messages 
to the members, the archives updates automatically. With only 
snippets, sent direct, it wouldn't do that. If we continue with a 
listserve then the archives will stay current. (And the listserve 
software we need is Mailman.)

And, no, Journey to Forever is not closing. The list and Journey to 
Forever are associated, but not the same. I'm working full-time for 
Journey to Forever now (that's the problem).

Regarding news feeds, several members said they've subscribed to Tom 
Feeley's Information Clearing House - "For Global Justice". I have 
great admiration for Tom. He does a huge amount of work every day, 
and I've never seen him put a foot wrong. He's faced death threats, 
at least twice, but he's unstoppable. This is his website:

Information Clearing House

Scroll down a bit and have a look at the column on the right listing 
the sources he checks, impressive. If you appreciate his work, please 
send Tom a few bucks every now and then if you can spare it. He 
regularly runs out of money and posts a plea in his newsletter, but 
what he never does is send out streams of in-your-face hard-sells for 
support like Common Dreams, Truthout and most of the other news sites 
do. He says he'd rather do what he's supposed to be doing, searching 
out the news. I know exactly how he feels!

If I cut incoming news feeds down to the essentials (which I'm trying 
to do), it would be Information Clearing House, Common Dreams and 

Common Dreams


It's easy to dig deeper if you need to.

All best, and thanks again, very much


>It's October, the list is going to run out of time soon and the host 
>service will close it down. I'm not sure of the exact date, but 
>suddenly the music will stop.
>The new community I mentioned previously is still some way down the 
>road, but it will eventually happen. When it does, you'll be hearing 
>from me.
>Meanwhile, the list will stop, but I won't. I'll keep harvesting the 
>news, I do it anyway.
>If any list members would like to keep receiving these daily 
>snippets, I don't mind sending them direct. Please let me know - 
>offlist please.
>All best, and a very big thanks for everything, over the years. This 
>list has taught me so much (deep bow).
>Regards to all.

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