Can we stop this guy?

Mike Carpenter
Energy Recovery Group, LLC
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On 3/6/13 3:09 PM, "Darryl McMahon" <> wrote:

>On the News With Thom Hartmann: Congress Passes the Dodd-Frank Wall
>Street Reform Act, and More
>Wednesday, 06 March 2013 14:47
>By Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartmann Show | Video
>(link includes a video)
>In today's On the News segment: Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall
>Street Reform Act to regulate the Wall Street banksters; the Obama
>Administration says it has the right to kill you, and in response,
>Senator Rand Paul is mounting a real-live talking filibuster;
>minimum-wage workers in New York state could be getting a raise, and more.
>You need to know this. In 2010, Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall
>Street Reform Act to regulate the Wall Street banksters, who crashed our
>economy in 2008. Despite the fact that many people believe the law
>doesn't go far enough, Republican lawmakers have spent the past two
>years working to undercut and water-down the legislation. And Senator
>Richard Shelby of Alabama thinks the banksters shouldn't be burdened
>with any regulations at all. Instead of working to prevent Wall Street's
>high-stakes betting from causing another economic disaster, Sen. Shelby
>plans to introduce legislation that would require a cost-benefit
>analysis on any new financial regulations before they can be enacted.
>This is more than just the typical watering-down of legislation we see
>from Republicans...this is an attempt to block Wall Street regulation
>altogether, and an effort to put bankster greed ahead of the needs of
>our nation. According to Shelby, "if a regulation's cost outweighs its
>benefits, it should be thrown out." Wouldn't it have been great if Wall
>Street had done a societal cost-benefit analysis before gambling with
>our economy? Or if they had to prove that their greed couldn't take down
>our entire financial system again? Seems to me that Wall Street, which
>hit a record high yesterday, is doing just fine under the current
>regulations. The Dodd-Frank Act doesn't go far enough. It's time to
>strengthen regulations, and implement a financial transaction tax to
>make Wall Street banksters pay for the risky bets they make with our
>In screwed news... The Obama Administration says it has the right to
>kill you, and in response, Senator Rand Paul is mounting a real-live
>talking filibuster on the floor of the Senate. Sen. Paul's outrage is in
>response to a letter he received from Attorney General Eric Holder,
>which claims it's possible "to imagine an extraordinary circumstance" in
>which the President could use drones against citizens right here at
>home. Holder wrote the letter to Rand Paul to avert holding up the
>nomination of Obama's pick for CIA director - John Brennan - over the
>legality and limits of the drone program. So, in the past two months,
>we've gotten the so-called legal reasoning for drone strikes in foreign
>countries, and the Administration's justification for taking out
>American citizens overseas. Now Eric Holder says it's "appropriate under
>the Constitution" for Obama to use drones within our borders. I guess
>the only question left is what "extraordinary circumstance" could the
>President use to justify the first in-country drone strike when and if
>it happens.
>In the best of the rest of the news...
>Minimum-wage workers in New York state could be getting a raise.
>Yesterday, that state's Assembly voted to increase the minimum wage from
>$7.25 to $9 per hour, and include automatic increases tied to inflation.
>The bill passed 101-44 in the Assembly, but is now stalled in the State
>Senate. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver called for the increase in
>response to President Obama's State of the Union speech last month. The
>proposal is not far off from a Governor Cuomo's recommendation, which
>calls for raising the minimum wage to $8.75 as part of a budget proposal
>later this month. State Senate Republican Leader, Dean Skelos, has
>spoken out against the increase, saying, "It just seems to be 'how high
>can you go?' with them." But some New York Republicans may be in the
>mood to bargain ­ trading an increase in the wage for some middle class
>tax cuts. It's about time for all workers get paid a living wage in our
>nation, and $9 isn't there yet, but it's nice to see New York moving in
>the right direction for low-wage workers.
>Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez passed away yesterday, at the age of
>58. Calls for peace and unity came from Venezuelan officials as the news
>broke in the deeply divided nation. Chavez supporters swept in to
>Caracus Square soon after the news that the leader had succumb to his
>long battle with cancer. Vice President Nicolas Maduro called on the
>nation to remain peaceful, saying, "we must unite now more than ever."
>Chavez was both praised and criticized by many during his time as
>President, which began in 1999. Despite a coup attempt, various alleged
>assassination attempts, and open criticism from some of our own leaders,
>Hugo Chavez was repeatedly reelected by the vast majority of voters in
>Venezuela. The government of Venezuela has declared a seven day national
>mourning period, and the voters will select a new president in 30 days.
>We'll have to wait and see who Venezuelans pick to lead their nation next.
>A state judge in Pennsylvania is standing up for the poor. Governor Tom
>Corbett diverted funds from low-income health insurance programs to
>finance other items in his state's budget, but Commonwealth Judge Dan
>Pellegrini has ordered Corbett to reinstate funding to the vital health
>programs. William R. Caroselli, the attorney representing more than 100
>program recipients, said, "What the administration did was reprehensible
>and we're pleased the Commonwealth Court ordered them to reinstate this
>important program." An attorney for House Speaker Sam Smith, one of the
>lawmakers responsible for diverting funds, said his client will try to
>get the ruling overturned. It's shameful that Republicans in
>Pennsylvania want to balance the budget on the backs of the poor, but
>thanks to Judge Pellegrini, they're not getting away with it for now.
>Darryl McMahon
>Author, The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy
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