[Meanwhile, UK subsidies for fossil fuels are locked in until at least 2020 and likely longer, and are actually being increased, with foreign-owned companies - including Russian companies - as the primary beneficiaries to the tune of tens of billions of pounds.

Graph of UK clean energy investment by year in on-line article is interesting.]

UK investment in renewables will decline by 96% by 2021


Investment in renewables in the UK is likely to decrease by 96% by 2020/21.

Total investment in domestic energy efficiency reduced from £1.5 billion to £0.7 billion in 2015 and the number of energy efficiency measures installed in homes dropped by 80% in the same period. That’s because of existing energy policies, according to ecological groups. In a report, six groups comprising Green Alliance, RSPB, WWF and Greenpeace are requesting new investment in low carbon projects in the government’s next Autumn Statement. The organisations also inform that plans to construct a third runway at Heathrow Airport will lock the UK into high carbon development. The groups suggest that the government should assign an additional £2 billion funding to back low carbon electricity post 2020 and funding to scale up low carbon heat technologies. They also recommend to continue to sustain people in acquiring ultra-low emission vehicles beyond 2018 and expand a national network of publicly accessible low carbon charging points. They believe if the government backs clean technologies, the renewables industry might attract £47 billion in new investment from 2021 to 2026 and retrofitting the UK’s housing stock to increase its energy efficiency could unlock £73 billion and sustain 86,000 jobs a year. Moreover, new investment in skills and infrastructure for EV and independent vehicles could benefit the nation with £51 billion a year and 320,000 new jobs by 2030. According to the IEA, countries across the globe require to make an investment of an extra $23 trillion (£19.8tn) in energy efficiency.
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