Hello All,
My company, TECHeGO <http://www.techego.com/>, is seeking beta testers to 
help us improve our system integration and automation platform that 
incorporates Blockly, OpenAPI Spec (Swagger) and years of API development 
experience. We began this initiative when ItDuzzIt, our previous automation 
platform, was shutdown by Intuit. 
http://www.itduzzit.com/home/itduzzit-alternatives/ We were selected as an 
alternative to their solution and have been gaining more and more traction 
as weeks go by.

Our platform is called, https://hoist.thatapp.io and our automation 
extension is called AVA (Automated Virtual Assistant). We would love your 
feedback on how we can improve blockly for the purpose of building 
automation's between platforms.


   1. We began by converting OpenAPI Spec documentation into automatically 
   generated blocks.
   2. Users are able to authenticate their accounts with those that we 
   currently have available. (open to requests to add more.)
   3. We then provide 2 (soon to be 3) modes to create their automation's
      1. Basic Mode: (Arriving EOM) Allows users to create automation's 
      using a Zapier style interface which can include one to many steps.
      2. Advanced Mode: This is Blockly and Swagger sexiness that we are 
      seeking this groups feedback on.
      3. Expert Mode: This is a built-in IDE that allows developers to 
      rapidly select the platform and functions and insert them into their 
   4. Each of these modes are then saved and executed via AVA.

We have a lot more development to implement, however, we know block types 
are missing and would love your insights into making this a remarkable 
platform. Some of the suggestions that we have received so far are as 

   1. Allow users to upload their own Swagger files. (In Progress)
   2. Allow users to upload their own block designs. (Considering)
   3. Create a partner program where users can register their own clients 
   and receive revenue for those paying accounts. (In Progress)
   4. Deeper insights into automation analytics and settings.

We would love to hear your recommendations as well.

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