> >a) Type of game (adventure, driving/racing, interactive fiction, etc.)
> >b) Publisher (Activision, EA, Infocom, etc.)
> >c) Series (Ultima, Wizardry, Leisure Suit Larry, etc.)
> >d) Games you've enjoyed/heard good things about
> >e) Other

Guess it can't hurt to get to know one another this way:

A. I'm an Adventure boy through and through, with a slight side of RPG and
Action.  I usually pick up games when there is something special about it
(I played it when I was young or it is considered a classic)  Started
collecting Adventures not as a collector but as a player.  Got through
about two dozen Sierra games in my day and played even more in pirated
versions.  A few years ago I found some of the classics I had never bought
but played and started acquiring 'em.  

B. Publisher is sometimes a motivation, anything with Al Lowe, Sid Meier or
Peter Molyneux as a designer is desirable (since I've played virtually all
there games when they came out) As far as companies, that's always such a
mixed bag that I'm kinda hard pressed for it, although I seem to have a
Dynamix fetish as of late. (Project Firestart... aaaahhhhhh) And have been
known to pick up almost any Infocom game.

C. My designer thing comes through here and I have acquired as many Larry
games as I could (which is virtually all of them, just don't have 6 yet.)
Almost all the Space and Kings Quest games.  Guess series only counts when
I know the games are good or it's something I really enjoyed back in the

D. I picked up a copy of Rise of the Dragon and Heart of China for this
reason.  Good investments, they were a ton of fun (found out the boxes
weren't 100% complete later on though)  but usually it has to be something
I've played myself.

E. Other reasons to buy an old game? Well if somone left $10,000 in the box
for safe keeping and their wife sold it for a quarter in a garage sale...
that would be motivational.

By the way, this is a good question, how many are currently on this list?

And since a bidding war broke out this time, we better make sure we don't
get some game sellers on here who will just advertise.  Not that I wouldn't
mind having an easy way of finding games occasionally but I think it could
get disruptive fast.
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