Jim Leonard boldly stated:
>"Lee K. Seitz" wrote:
>> BTW, I finally tried out that copy of Donkey Kong you pointed me to.
>> (Thanks.)  Sadly, even MoSlo can't slow it down enough to be playable.
>> (But it does slow it down enough that I can see myself being killed. 8)
>It's not particularly good, if that's any consolation.

The sad thing is that I had a chance to buy a brand new copy of it
back in the early '90s.  The local EB dragged out a copy I guess that
had accidentally tucked away in the back.  The things was, they still
had it marked at 1980s prices!  I wasn't gonna pay that much for a CGA
game when VGA was nearly the standard.  Now, from a "software
collecting" perspective, it seems like a missed opportunity.

>  The Atarisoft
>conversions to PC are 100% great or 100% terrible.  Great ones include: 
>Dig Dug (perfect except for color issues)
>Joust (perfect!)
>Robotron (perfect except color)
>Battlezone (perfect except sound)
>Galaxian (perfect!)

Let me add that the Apple II versions of these Atarisoft games seemed
very good to me:

Mario Bros.
Moon Patrol

I may have "acquired" a few others back in the day, but these are the
three that I still recall as being impressed with.  And the colors are
better than on the PC! 8)

Lee K. Seitz  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/
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