> Which reminds me of another interesting topic... why so many computer
> players these days prefer graphics to everything else? We weren't like
> in the old days, were we? And I barely had any text adventure.

I know it's almost going to sound like sacrilige, but back in the day I
remember being VERY graphics conscious.  When games like Defender of the
Crown, Dragon's Lair, Project Firestart, etc. came out everyone I knew was
getting their panties in a wad because of the graphics (mostly on the C64,
and later on the Amiga).  I was working in a software store at the time and
remember selling several copies of this really aweful wrestling game for the
C64 that had little digitalized "movie" (more like slide shows) sequences of
the wrestlers in it.  Also a lot of people just wouldn't play certain games
if the graphics looked horrible (Back to the Future II and Jumpman (which
was many wouldn't play by the late 80's because of the graphics)).

I guess nowadays the graphical distinctions are just a lot more noticeable
and there are a lot more novices amongst the game buying public, so people
are more likely to admit to buying something or rejecting something just
because of the graphics.

Karl Kuras

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