Caught this website:

It's bad enough that it's viewable under Internet Explorer only, but
$200 for a Black Cauldron?  The CD version of Willy Beamish for $149? 
Wing Commander hintbook for $80?? (sealed, but still...)  

Here's the kicker:

        "Wizard and the Princess by Sierra. Untested, for unknown computer
system. $199.99"

It's the diskette only!  For "unknown computer system"!!

Am I overreacting, or do people (other than Will D. ;-) actually pay
these prices?  I would *never* pay $249 for an original KQ1, unless it
was personally signed by Robert Williams or Jeff Stephenson.

PS:  Never mind, I think I figured it out:  He's uneducated; he listed
Fountain of Dreams as "very rare Wasteland sequel".  It's not rare at
all, nor is it the true sequel.

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