Chris Newman wrote:
> You realize you've achived the perfect Zen state to not let ebay consume you. Not
> everyone is so calm about it! Good for you. I try to do what you do -- I force
> myself to walk away because I'll keep increasing my bids and wind up spending 40%
> more than I had planned. Way to go.

Thanks! (at least, I'm hoping what you wrote wasn't sarcasm ;-)  I think
my ebay attitude coincides with my recent epiphany that I need to
simplify my life or die in a few years.  Exercise, lower stress levels,
following a regular schedule, etc.  Pretty much the opposite of how I've
lived life as a hacking miscreant for the past 17 years.  I guess
turning 30 years old was, in and of itself, an epiphany ;-)
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