Joe Garrity wrote:
>*Origin Audio CD Volume 1--****ACQUIRED!****  I found this quite by accident in an old used software store.  The >female-asian manager referrs to me as 'That Origin Guy', and she's nice enough to hold things for me.  She handed it >to me, and said,"I know this isn't a game, but it said Origin on it--you can have it for 5 dollars."--I searched for >this one for well over a year, and sent at least 30 different emails on it, only to have it fall in my lap!  :)

This is one of mine too, I'd even say top spot. :) Vol. 2 used to be another obsession but I managed to acquire it last year. Others are:

*Ultima 6 virtue runestones -- the special trinket on U6 that, if returned to Origin, would grant you the right to star in Ultima 7. Only 8 copies alledgedly exist (one per virtue). As far as I know the location of none is known. Joe, do you have any insight on this matter? :)

*Ultima 6 10th anniversary edition -- Being the most special version of my favorite game, it's on my no-hurries-I-will-get-one-eventually list along with U2 big box ;)

*Akalabeth -- I have no desire whatsoever of acquiring a Mt Drash (it's not a Lord British game, so not really an Ultima IMHO) but Garriott's first game is on my wanted list.

Then there are heaps of other special editions of games I like, like the Compuserve Daggerfall, the Arena Deluxe Edition, the Darklands Master Edition, etcetc

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