>On Jan 5, 2004, at 11:12 PM, Brian the Fist wrote:
>> Not exactlywhat you are talking about, but I have the 6507 assembler
>> source for Atari 2600 Combat, with a bit of comments, if anyone's
>> interested (think I have Atari 2600 Adventure too somewhere..)

Dan Chisarick stated:
>1) Yes I'd like to see it
>2) Is it the original code or is it annotated disassembly made by 
>someone else?

Most likely it's the annotated disassembly that you can find a link to
here:  http://www.atariage.com/2600/programming/.  Note that except
for Dragonfire, all the games listed are either modern homebrews or
disassemblies commented by someone other than the original programmer.

Lee K. Seitz

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