The following post comes from  It would seem
to me the split between developers and publishers first started with
computer games, but was curious if anyone here could share hard info.

|From: Spiders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Greetings:
| I was wondering if anyone could help clarify something for me - in the
| days of the 2600 and Intellivision, there was no developer / publisher
| relationship as there is today, is that right? Meaning if a 2600 game
| was developed by Atari (well, you know what I mean), then it was
| published by Atari as well? Or if a game is considered an M-Netwok
| game, then that essentially means it was developed and published by
| the same company?
| If so, when did these functions split, when did companies begin to
| form that solely developed or solely published? Was it during the
| 2600's reign, or not until the Colecovision, or even the NES? What
| dynamic motivated this evolution (I'm guessing it was money, but I
| don't know)?
| Thanks.

Lee K. Seitz

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