There is also an Erbe spanish reedition of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, in a smaller box.

Pedro R. Quaresma
Salvador Caetano IMVT
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] // +351 22 7867000 (ext. 3492)

Toyota Prius '01, Aqua Ice Opalescent, 38K km., "Esperanza"

'People don't quit playing because they grow old. They grow old because they quit playing.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes

cc: (bcc: Pedro Quaresma/SCAETANO)
Assunto: Re: [SWCollect] Sierra/Lucas/Tolkien/Ultima/AD&D/SSI - info and questions
"Jukka Eronen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
25-02-2004 23:12
Solicita-se resposta a swcollect

Is the list going to be only adventures/RPGs or other type of games too?

There are also german and israeli-versions of Lucas games
that I haven't listed (that we discussed last year a bit too)
just because at the moment I don't think to collect them;
I'm collecting way too much at the moment anyways ;)
On the other hand when you collect a lot, there's
rarely more than a brief stop in finding
something you're looking for.

I don't know them all and to include them
would require quite some detective work/time,
so I don't necessarily want to do that right now.
>From top of my head a few:

- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (German, with poster of the cover
- Monkey Island (German, disk)
- Loom (Israeli)
- Day of the Tentacle (German)
- Vollgas / Full Throttle (German)

And I'd surely include The Dig from 1995 as I for one regard it
one of the best adventure games ever made.
The atmosphere and ambient music are brilliant.
The CD soundtrack for it is from 1996.
I'd regard it highly collectible too.
German or some other version of this had a normal bigger
manual, as all the other versions I've seen only have the
CD-sized manual.

BTW they really should make sequal for the game;
though I don't know if it's such a good idea after all
at the current video game market (the lack of inspiriation/brain
and current stage of 3D doesn't attract me at all).
And surely it should be 2D.
I haven't followed the current gaming for some time;
is either Full Throttle 2 and Sam & Max 2 anymore on production?

And I think you're choice for not going for variants after
the newer Lucas-games; they seem like a mess.
F.ex. I have Scandinavian box version of  Grim Fandango
and Curse of Monkey Island.
So what I'm saying there might be all kinds Timbuktu-variants or sorts :)
(Not saying that in a negative way or anything.)

(Updating Tolkien-collecting to all the modern platforms would be horrible
PS2, Gameboy, X-Box, Gameboy Advande, Gamecube...
"The horror, the horror...")

> Full Throttle (the attached image) (I need more info on this one)

That's the most common version I'm aware of
("large two-piece high box"); could you inform me too what you mean?-)
Here are my Lucas scans; click to see bigger (if you haven't noticed :):

I only know the regular portioned box (more height than width)
and the wide box for it.

>** I am almost 100% certain there is no other versions of Zak

Yeah, it's probably time to take that out from my list :)
(Though there is that KiXX XL two-piece box,
but it doesn't count to me.)

- Jukka

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