I know how you feel. I have no thirst for a Drash or Akalabeth either, except as a way of making some money. : )
I have found most of my holy grails also, but not all of them.  There's still quite a few to search for.  : )
-----Original Message-----
From: MASTER [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Pedro Quaresma
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:26 AM
Subject: RE: [SWCollect] And then one day, the Holy Grail is found

Hello Stuart,

Not sure how rare the OST1 is, but I'm sure the production figures weren't that high since, as you might know, the production was made solely by Origin UK and canceled by Origin USA since they had given no permission for its release. Joe surely knows more about this issue.

Of course, I am aware that my "Holy Grail" isn't as rare or coveted as an Akalabeth or a Drash, but I'm not interested in any of those two anyway :) I just wanted to point out that I found the item I wanted the most (times four!) and I can call my Ultima collection, for my standards, "complete" :)

On the downside, my "collecting thirst" is nearly gone now. Oh well.


Pedro R. Quaresma
Salvador Caetano IMVT
Div. Sistemas de Informação / Systems and Information Division
Administração e Desenvolvimento Lotus Notes /
Lotus Notes Administration and Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED] // +351 22 7867000 (ext. 3492)

Toyota Prius '01, Aqua Ice Opalescent, 39K km., "Esperanza"

'People don't quit playing because they grow old. They grow old because they quit playing.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes

cc: (bcc: Pedro Quaresma/SCAETANO)
Assunto: RE: [SWCollect] And then one day, the Holy Grail is found
"Feldhamer, Stuart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
30-03-2004 16:03
Solicita-se resposta a swcollect

Is the soundtrack really that rare? Since hearing about it on this list, I'd seen it on ebay several times. I even saw it in a store once but wasn't too interested.
-----Original Message-----
MASTER [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Pedro Quaresma
Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:02 AM
[SWCollect] And then one day, the Holy Grail is found

Hello list,

I have this theory: I know I will find, cheap (I have the principle of not paying more than $50 per computer game), all the items I'd really like to have in my Ultima collection.

Time has proven that I'm right. It has happened so far with the Ultima items I'm most proud of, like the autographed Ultima 6, autographed Savage Empire, big box Ultima 2, Ultima California Pacific, etc.

Still, some months ago, my personal "Holy Grail" kept eluding me..

The chase started, a few years back, as all the quests for Holy Grails: I thought the item to be a myth, until I actually found someone who had it! And then I found someone else (who actually happens to be on this list ;) ) who also had it! Perhaps there are others? It's likely. Must I become one of them? Obviously!

Suddenly, the myth becomes reality and the search at last has a purpose. As with all the other items, I have faith it will eventually fall onto my lap There is no rush, nothing to hurry or worry about.

And one day, it does. Shrinkwrapped. Brand new. I open it up (what an heresy!) and discover it to be as good as I imagined it.

Is the search over? No. One isn't enough. In the following period of time (weeks? months?) I got my hands on three more from the same source. Not one, not two, but three more. All brand new and shrinkwrapped.


The quest is now complete.


PS: If you don't recognize the item in question, I will not disclose what it is before I'm sure the other-SWCollect-member-who-has-one sees that photo ;)

PPS: I apologize to everyone from this list to whom I have unanswered mails (you know who you are) but both the collecting "sting" and my free time have been dying on me :/

Pedro R. Quaresma
Salvador Caetano IMVT
Div. Sistemas de Informação / Systems and Information Division
Administração e Desenvolvimento Lotus Notes /
Lotus Notes Administration and Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED] // +351 22 7867000 (ext. 3492)

Toyota Prius '01, Aqua Ice Opalescent, 39K km., "Esperanza"

'People don't quit playing because they grow old. They grow old because they quit playing.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes

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