Well, I do several hours of clever manual searches, once a week. I can't tell you what I search for of course :) It has managed to find me some good bargains that other people miss (especially when people misspell things..). Lately though everyone seems to be finding all the good stuff I find too. Since everyone pretty much snipes these days, I dont bother 'spying' on what other collectors are bidding on (one of the many advantages of sniping). I also don't generally check particular users regularly, however sometimes if I find one good item, I will View Sellers Other Items and sometimes find something good that I wouldnt have found otherwise (see note about misspelling...). My best finds are usually large lots of games, sometimes mixed in with hardware - people tend to avoid these kinds of auction with lots of 'stuff' and occasionally there is a good rare game in there that the seller doesnt usually know about. I ask lots of questions in these cases.

That's about all my secrets..

C.E. Forman wrote:
What I'd like to know is how people (the same people all the time) are finding the rare items. Granted, I'm aware of a few sellers putting a ton of stuff up, so people watch their auctions. Everyone searches on Infocom, Drash, etc. But I've also seen some really obscure stuff by an atypical seller go for a lot, stuff I didn't think anybody else would have found, especially since eBay has screwed around with the categories to the point where everything is essentially buried.
It's pretty much public knowledge that I wrote my own automated eBay search tool, but if a few of you don't mind sharing how you find your stuff, I'd be interested to hear it. Do you rely on eBay's saved searches and automatic notifies? Do you save the URLs for the results of a bunch of your own searches? Do you spy on other known collectors and see what they've come across? About how many searches do you do, and how often?
C'mon, don't be shy.

-- ------------------------------------------------------------ Howard Feldman Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute Author of the Search for Freedom Computer Role-Playing Game Visit its homepage at: http://home.golden.net/~feldman/SearchForFreedom/ Visit the Computer RPG/Book Museum at http://vgmuseum.chaoticmonkey.com/

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