Not quite. The idea is that no outsider bids on the item. The goal is to get people who have these items to list them when they see the (bogus) selling price, not bilk a poor collector (or wealthy one as the case may be). No one actually pays the 'winning' amount. The only safe way (not shafting someone) I can think of doing this is to list something with a high "buy it now" and immediately (before the listing hits the searches) have an insider bid on it. Then again, this does raise the perceived value of an item, having the same effect as shilling, so I see your point. Tomas had a similar point. I'll change my ID to 'SN4KE_01L' :)

Despite the amount of thought I put into it, I do not plan (nor do I advocate) doing this. Bad idea. Very wrong. Don't do it.

Now something that would be more on the level is an "ebay want list" where people list items they're interested in and how much they're willing to pay. It just seems that the game collecting sites that have 'want lists' don't really seem that effective. Flashing dollar signs seem to be more productive in getting people's attention. Besides, I'd gather that a fair percentage of people who list classic games don't know enough to hit game collector sites, but they do know ebay.

On Apr 27, 2004, at 2:56 AM, Jim Leonard wrote:

Dan Chisarick wrote:

Evil? Immoral? Risky?

All of the above. It's called "shilling" on ebay, and gets you booted'n'banned. Not in favor of it. :)
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