That last one is horrible to even look at (that’s my personal point of view). 
It’s packed full with unnecessary UI, which reminds me of the time when 
html-tables ruled all over the place. Discourse has a nice minimalistic look 
and I’m sure people that will setup the forum will tweak it to make it feel 
more appropriate for Swift, just like the design of the evolution-page was 
tweaked several times.

Here is really good example of how a huge/popular topic like the current one or 
String in Swift 4 would look like with Discourse (I picked one from Rust with 
lots of replies):

+1 for Discourse, I think it really is the right choice.

Adrian Zubarev
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Am 9. Februar 2017 um 12:42:04, Jan Neumüller via swift-users 
( schrieb:

My problem with Discourse lies in its terrible ui. It  is like most modern 
social media: totally useless to find stuff and stay organized in it. It 
reminds my heavy on the terrible ui of Facebook and the redone developer forums 
at Apple that have gone from fine to utterly useless chaos. Perhaps I’m to old 
for modern web, but what are other finding great at this?

I would prefer that has good mailing list support, too.

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