+1 for Discourse

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 9, 2017, at 14:32, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I’m sorry for you, but I don’t think we’re talking in this thread about being 
> old and wearing glasses or not. My eyes aren’t the best either, but I’m not 
> complaining about that or try to make this as an argument against 
> minimalistic designs. (Coloring is a different story of its own.)
> How’s that needed UI at all? It’s an ugly piece of web art compared to these 
> days standards.
> What’s the problem with endless scrolling? We’re all doing that every day on 
> the internet, scrolling down to find and click on the next or # button for 
> the purpose to again being able to scroll down to click on the same button 
> over and over again. Discourse took that unnecessary click from you and 
> provides a nice side scroller to quickly jump to a specific reply you want.
> Reading all your complains lets me think that it’s exactly how you would 
> think about sites like stackoverflow for example (or even the minimalistic 
> swift.org).
> I’m not trying to be offensive by any means. I just criticized your choice 
> from my esthetic point of view.
> -- 
> Adrian Zubarev
> Sent with Airmail
> Am 9. Februar 2017 um 14:07:05, Jan Neumüller via swift-users 
> (swift-us...@swift.org) schrieb:
>> I see NEEDED UI.
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