> Le 21 mars 2017 à 22:09, Jonathan Hull via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> a écrit :
> There are several reasons.  It is a very common pattern in ObjC/Cocoa.  For 
> example, they allow class clusters (and the protocol equivalent).

I don’t see that as a strong argument for factory initializers.
The only benefit from factory initializer vs the convenient initializers in 
Obj-C is that they avoid an autorelease access. Now that ARC let us bypass the 
autorelease pool completely for such call, they are not needed anymore and 
implementing a factory initializer using a class method is far less error prone.

> One of the Apple foundation people replied earlier in this thread that it 
> would allow them to remove several hacks from the foundation overlays, and 
> improve safety.
> One of the ideas I am most excited about is the ability for a protocol to 
> provide default conformances.  For example, I have an Expression protocol to 
> represent mathematical expressions, and I have a few basic conforming structs 
> representing constants, variables, and some basic operations.  With a factory 
> method, I can say ‘Expression(2)’ or ‘Expression(“VarName”)’ and have it 
> create the correct conformance.  My conforming structs can even be private, 
> if I want this to be the only way they are created.
> If I have expensive-to-create immutable objects where I am creating 
> equivalent values all the time, I can store commonly created values in a 
> cache and return the cached versions (instead of creating an instance).  I 
> believe cocoa used to do this with NSNumbers before tagged pointers became a 
> thing.
> Or, I could return something which is lazily created.
> Longer term (once reflection has improved), I have a proposal to allow 
> extensible factory methods. We talked about it during the original 
> discussion, but the gist is that there would be way to get a list of all 
> types conforming to a protocol (or all subclasses of a class) from the 
> compiler, and then you could use static methods to query those types until 
> you found one which has the properties you are looking for, and then 
> instantiate and return it.  The end result is that you have a factory 
> initializer where new conformances (even from plug-ins) can participate and 
> be returned when appropriate.  This proposal is a necessary first step to 
> that.
> As a concrete use-case of that extension, I have been experimenting for years 
> with auto-creating UI to edit structured data (e.g. JSON or Plists) or 
> objects.  This is fairly easy in ObjC, but it is only possible in Swift in a 
> very limited way at the moment.  With the above extension and key paths, I 
> should be able to recreate my ObjC interfaces in a nicer/swiftier way.
> Those are just a few of the uses.

All your point are valid use cases, but they don’t tell us why is it better to 
support them using a language specific construct vs using a class method (and 
make the designated constructor private if you want to force all user of your 
class to use your factory method).

Or maybe I’m missing something ?
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