Sorry if my original reply didn’t come across as neutral as I had hoped. I 
actually like the Protocol suffix and have used it when the name I wanted to 
use was already taken by a concrete type. 

I’m not sure yet if a Protocol suffix would “always” be the right choice when a 
protocol can't be named with a noun, or with an `able`, `ible`, or `ing` 
suffix. There might not be that many cases. 

How about a guideline that only covers the case when a protocol coexists with a 
concrete type? Maybe something like:

 + When a protocol and a concrete type contest for the same name, the protocol 
should be named using the suffix `Protocol` (e.g. `IteratorProtocol`).

That would both apply to the Range protocol naming, and would follow the the 
established pattern set by IteratorProtocol, LazySequenceProtocol which seem to 
have come from 

> Strip `Type` suffix from protocol names. In a few special cases this means 
> adding a `Protocol` suffix to get out of the way of type names that are 
> primary (though most of these we expect to be obsoleted by Swift 3 language 
> features).


> On 20 Apr 2017, at 18:55, Jordan Rose <> wrote:
> Yeah, I wasn't trying to take a side, just identifying where David might have 
> heard "Protocol" in an official Apple presentation. I'm staying out of this 
> one. :-)
> Jordan
>> On Apr 20, 2017, at 00:21, Gwendal Roué < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Well, IteratorProtocol, LazySequenceProtocol weren't imported from ObjC.
>> They set a precedent for the -Protocol suffix.
>> Now, even if you don't like RangeProtocol, this doesn't make RangeExpression 
>> better.
>> "Expression" and `1...` don't belong to the same level of the language: one 
>> is a concept of that belongs to the compiler, when the other is a plain 
>> value used in a program:
>> When a program does `1 + 2`, it both sums two integers, and builds a 
>> expression from two other expressions and an operator. Both are true. Yet 1 
>> is of type `Integer`, not `IntegerExpression`.
>> Currently all types of the standard library belong the program realm, not to 
>> the compiler realm. I wish we wouldn't break this practice, and avoid 
>> `RangeExpression`.
>> That's why I suggest `RangeProtocol`. Other options could be `Ranging`, 
>> `Bounds`...
>> Gwendal Roué
>> Le 19 avr. 2017 à 23:35, Jordan Rose < 
>> <>> a écrit :
>>> That was probably about the ObjC importer, which does this (appends 
>>> "Protocol") when there's a class and protocol with the same name in the 
>>> same module. That doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing to put in 
>>> the API guidelines, though.
>>> Jordan
>>>> On Apr 19, 2017, at 10:59, Gmail via swift-evolution 
>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>> I seem to recall that something (maybe a WWDC session) mentioned something 
>>>> about protocols that in essence represent a single type would have the 
>>>> Protocol-suffix. 
>>>> Unfortunately I couldn’t find it (yet?). The closest I’ve found so far is 
>>>> <> but I’m not sure that was it.
>>>> > essentially when there's a conflict between a class name and a protocol 
>>>> > name, we'll append protocol to the name of the protocol.
>>>> David
>>>>> On 19 Apr 2017, at 17:55, Gwendal Roué via swift-evolution 
>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Le 19 avr. 2017 à 17:23, Gwendal Roué < 
>>>>>> <>> a écrit :
>>>>>> Re: [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0172: One-sided Ranges
>>>>>> "RangeExpression" is an unexpected name. I was expecting 
>>>>>> "RangeProtocol", as in IteratorProtocol and LazySequenceProtocol. We 
>>>>>> need a consistent suffix for protocols that can't be named in -able,  
>>>>>> -ible, or named with a simple noun because the noun is already used by a 
>>>>>> concrete type. "-Protocol" should be that prefix: RangeProtocol.
>>>>> A detailed look at API Design Guidelines [1] shows that this subject is 
>>>>> not addressed:
>>>>>>  • Protocols that describe what something is should read as nouns (e.g. 
>>>>>> `Collection`).
>>>>>>  • Protocols that describe a capability should be named using the 
>>>>>> suffixes `able`, `ible`, or `ing` (e.g. `Equatable`, 
>>>>>> `ProgressReporting`).
>>>>> Nothing is said for "protocols that describe what something but can't be 
>>>>> named as nouns", or "protocols that describe a capability but can't be 
>>>>> named using the suffixes able, ible, or ing".
>>>>> For example: the name of the protocol for all ranges discussed with 
>>>>> SE-0172 should be addressed by the first rule (because the protocol 
>>>>> describes what something is rather than a capability). But that protocol 
>>>>> can't be named Range because Range is already taken.
>>>>> Such a situation comes rather easily:
>>>>> - in an evolving code base, when a protocol is added on top of an 
>>>>> existing type hierarchy which should be preserved (RangeProtocol added on 
>>>>> top of Range, ClosedRange, etc.)
>>>>> - at the birth of a code base, when a protocol coexists with a concrete 
>>>>> type which rightfully deserves the noun claimed by the protocol.
>>>>> IteratorProtocol and LazySequenceProtocol have set a precedent: maybe we 
>>>>> should have the API Design Guidelines evolve with a third rule:
>>>>> + When a protocol can't be named with a noun, or with an `able`, `ible`, 
>>>>> or `ing` suffix, the protocol should be named using the suffix `Protocol` 
>>>>> (e.g. `IteratorProtocol`).
>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>> Gwendal Roué
>>>>> [1] 
>>>>> <>
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