Looking at the feedback to this proposal, it looks like a common thread is 
people wanting to make sure they’re notified when new cases are introduced (the 
‘future’ keyword’). However, if I’m understanding correctly, the resistance to 
adding such a keyword is that it becomes complicated when there’s e.g. both a 
‘future’ and ‘default’ case, with two different sets of behaviour. I missed the 
earlier discussion around this proposal so forgive me if this is a concept 
that’s been brought up before.

A possible alternative would be to build on that concept, but place the weight 
on the ‘switch’ statement. I’d propose something like the following for a 
non-exhaustive enum that currently has cases ‘a’ and ‘b’.

@complete switch nonExhaustiveEnum {
        case a:
        case b:

where the semantics would be that in a @complete switch statement, all known 
cases must be explicitly switched. The ‘future’ case would have the same 
run-time semantics as a default case for a non-@complete switch (I’m sticking 
with the ‘future’ name here since I think it’s clearer, but continuing to use 
‘default’ would also work). If the external library is modified and the user 
code is then recompiled, Swift would error at compile time saying that there 
were unhandled cases.

Obviously, this still requires adding keywords to the language and some degree 
of complexity, but does mean the behaviour change is isolated to a fairly 
simple compile-time check.

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