> On Dec 23, 2017, at 3:19 AM, Thomas Roughton via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Looking at the feedback to this proposal, it looks like a common thread is 
> people wanting to make sure they’re notified when new cases are introduced 
> (the ‘future’ keyword’). However, if I’m understanding correctly, the 
> resistance to adding such a keyword is that it becomes complicated when 
> there’s e.g. both a ‘future’ and ‘default’ case, with two different sets of 
> behaviour. I missed the earlier discussion around this proposal so forgive me 
> if this is a concept that’s been brought up before.
> A possible alternative would be to build on that concept, but place the 
> weight on the ‘switch’ statement. I’d propose something like the following 
> for a non-exhaustive enum that currently has cases ‘a’ and ‘b’.
> @complete switch nonExhaustiveEnum {
>    case a:
>        print(“a”)
>    case b:
>        print(“b”)
>    future:
>        break
> }

The `final switch` mentioned in the proposal seems like a good solution to this 

> where the semantics would be that in a @complete switch statement, all known 
> cases must be explicitly switched. The ‘future’ case would have the same 
> run-time semantics as a default case for a non-@complete switch (I’m sticking 
> with the ‘future’ name here since I think it’s clearer, but continuing to use 
> ‘default’ would also work). If the external library is modified and the user 
> code is then recompiled, Swift would error at compile time saying that there 
> were unhandled cases.
> Obviously, this still requires adding keywords to the language and some 
> degree of complexity, but does mean the behaviour change is isolated to a 
> fairly simple compile-time check.
> Thomas
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