On 02/20/2018 07:35 AM, Krishna Addepalli wrote:

I have added the necessary information to the bug.

As for Sergey’s question, the native file dialog also trims the strings before creating/selecting a file/folder.

So, now I’m not clear if we are going ahead with the fix or raise a new bug against nio, and wait for them to fix it?

Phil, Semyon could you suggest?

I suggest to file the bug against NIO and try to re-fix the 7067885 in a different way without usage of NIO.




*From:*Semyon Sadetsky
*Sent:* Saturday, February 17, 2018 1:03 AM
*To:* Phil Race <philip.r...@oracle.com>; Krishna Addepalli <krishna.addepa...@oracle.com>; swing-dev@openjdk.java.net *Subject:* Re: <Swing Dev> [11][JDK-8196673] JFileChooser throws InvalidPathException when changing to directory with added space

On 02/16/2018 10:36 AM, Phil Race wrote:

    Seems that was about 20 emails ago in another off-list thread
    about this bug.
    It hasn't been posted to this list or added to the bug evaluation
    as far as I can see.
    Add that and the links to the evaluation, not just here.

    Since nio did already close 6578565 as not an issue I doubt it
    will be re-considered
    despite the points Semyon raises about other use cases for nio.

At least we should try to file a new bug against NIO. They might be confused by Windows documentation because default meaning of "shell" on Linux is not the same as on Windows.


    So the closest to whatever 8 was doing is fine.
    Sergey asked what the native FileDialog does and that is likely
    worth checking
    and including in the bug evaluation .. which probably should be
    updated to
    explain the problem better. It is the shell + UI that does not
    support it, not the
    windows OS.

    I find it irksome we have so many tests that directly use
    but that is another issue ..


    On 02/16/2018 10:18 AM, Krishna Addepalli wrote:

        Hi Phil,

        “Vagueness that it is an nio problem without pointing to why
        just makes me
        have to investigate it myself to see why .. I'd prefer that
        the bug owner do that :-)”

        I did provide a standalone program, that reproduces the exact
        exception reported in the bug. Just repeating it here again
        for reference:

        import java.nio.file.Paths;

        public class PathExceptionBug {

            public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

                Paths.get("C:\\testspace ");



        When Sergey pointed out the bug(JDK-6578565), and suggested
        that NIO may close it, then we discussed about fixing it in
        our code, instead of assigning it to them.



        *From:*Phil Race
        *Sent:* Friday, February 16, 2018 10:38 PM
        *To:* Krishna Addepalli <krishna.addepa...@oracle.com>
        <mailto:krishna.addepa...@oracle.com>; Semyon Sadetsky
        swing-dev@openjdk.java.net <mailto:swing-dev@openjdk.java.net>
        *Subject:* Re: <Swing Dev> [11][JDK-8196673] JFileChooser
        throws InvalidPathException when changing to directory with
        added space

        Right, what I said was that perhaps nio is behaving as
        specified in this case.
        If a standalone nio program can be written that shows nio
        contravening its spec.
        then a bug should be raised against nio. I did not verify what
        the case is there ..
        I just suggested that should be investigated.

        Vagueness that it is an nio problem without pointing to why
        just makes me
        have to investigate it myself to see why .. I'd prefer that
        the bug owner do that :-)

        But otherwise (no nio bug)  we'll have to deal with what nio
        If we can fix it locally *and* file a bug against nio then
        that is also an issue.
        Also nio may take a while to get to it ..


        On 02/16/2018 08:56 AM, Krishna Addepalli wrote:

            Hi Semyon,

            I had a discussion with Sergey,Phil regarding this. While
            there was a similar bug filed against Core-libs
            (https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6578565) , it
            was closed out as not an issue.

            I have checked it on Java8, and it behaves correctly on
            Windows – it trims the paths and then creates/selects the

            From Java9 onwards, the InvalidPathException is thrown,
            since ShellFolder.java file uses nio to get the path, and
            the nio throws the exception as reported in the bug.

            Phil suggested that, we should fix the bug at our level if
            we can, since nio may not consider this to be a problem at
            their level.

            Hence this suggested fix.



            *From:*Semyon Sadetsky
            *Sent:* Friday, February 16, 2018 10:04 PM
            *To:* Krishna Addepalli <krishna.addepa...@oracle.com>
            swing-dev@openjdk.java.net <mailto:swing-dev@openjdk.java.net>
            *Subject:* Re: <Swing Dev> [11][JDK-8196673] JFileChooser
            throws InvalidPathException when changing to directory
            with added space

            According to Pardeep Sharma comment the bug is
            reproducible since 6u45. Do you confirm this or it is a
            regression introduced in 9?

            From the stack trace it doesn't look as a client-libs
            issue but a NIO issue.


            On 02/16/2018 04:40 AM, Krishna Addepalli wrote:

                Hi Sergey, Phil

                Please review a fix for JDK-8196673:


                The problem is in Java9 and later, when a directory
                path that contains leading/trailing space is provided,
                it throws an InvalidPathException. As per Phil’s
                recommendation, I have added a simple fix, which will
                trim the path for Windows, whereas for other
                platforms, it keeps it as it is.



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