On Thu, 17 Sep 2020 13:16:46 GMT, Tejpal Rebari <treb...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Why the popup does not show for this component? Why the filechooser on the 
>> mac is so specific?
> The test creates a JFileChooser and a popup and then click on the middle of 
> the JFileChooser.
> In case of MAC OS X the context popup doesn't work when clicking on the area 
> where files are(the area with the scroll
> bar) in the filechooser.
> But context popup works when clicking on the other areas of the JFilechooser 
> like
>     1. Upper area where the directory link is given
>     2. Below area where file format comboBox is there and the close and open 
> buttons are there.
>     3. Context popup doesn't work when clicking on the buttons(close, open) 
> and the ComboBoxes
> so the test fails because the context popup doesn't work when clicking the 
> middle area of JFileChooser in mac os x.
> There are two ways to make the test pass, one to omit the mac os x platform 
> for JFilechooser part which i did in this
> PR. second to click on the other areas of the JFileChooser where the context 
> popup work for mac os x.

So the popup actually works in that dialog, we just need to test it in a 
different place?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/204

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