Bharat -

Check to see if the rt.jar in your Solaris JRE contains a Japanese
language file named  This is the file would
probably contain the Japanese strings.  (The file is
what contains the English strings.)

However, there are several problems with JFileChooser.  For details,
check out the Javadoc in this "TFileChooser" class I wrote:

Use of this class, and supporting configuration, corrects the
JFileChooser problems.  Hopefully in JDK 1.4 these things will all be

By the way, can anyone suggest a place for me to send/put this file so
that it is available to the Java community?


- Keith

> Bharat wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am testing my software for internationalization (Japanese) on w2k
> and solaris. I am using JOptionPane for warning dialogs, error dialogs
> etc. On Japanese W2k machine the "OK", "Cancel".. buttons are
> displayed in Japanese but on Japanese solaris machine they are still
> displayed in english.
> I am using jre1.3. Are there any registered bug for this? I saw some
> bugs but they all are closed.
> Thanks
> - bharat
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