On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 12:07:12PM +0100, Andreas Fink wrote:
> On 26.02.2009, at 11:27, Stanislav Sinyagin wrote:


> For what its worth my router tells me this:
> IPv6 routes: 1'577 entries, 1'194 AS numbers
> IPv4 routes:  274'504 Ientries, 30'488 AS numbers
> If the wold would be all IPv6, our routers would need 10 times less  
> memory ;-)

Do you think that if IPv6 is used worldwide the number of ASs would be
smaller then today? The same question is also true for the number of
This is the biggest lie of IPv6. The routing table will not get smaller
and will gain the same exponential growth that IPv4 has now.
If the world would be all IPv6 you would need at least 4 times as
much memory on your routes. Most probably you need to replace most because
their CAMs are to small or the ASICs do not support IPv6.

:wq Claudio

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