> > Thanks, I'd better continue using http://www.10787.ch/index2.php
> Why not http://www.skype.com/products/skypeout/ ?

because I want to talk, and not to struggle with the internet connection
problems or with oversaturated links. Just plain old service: dial and 
talk, that's it.

> > what's all this fuss about? VoIP isn't somehting extremely cheap, as it 
> > never was...
> You get a portable fixnet number. Take your VoIP-device anywhere you 
> want, plug it into the internet and you have the same number - 
> worldwide. According to Econophone's Support you can even attach two 
> devices at the same time so both phones will ring if someone calls your 
> number. Whoever picks up the phone first gets the call.

When you're abroad, you talk mobile anyway, whatever the prices are. 
The Internet connection in the hotel might cost you the same price, with 
unpredictable quality. If you stay longer, you search for a local alternative 
anyway, because mobile bills get higher, and you stil want to dial and talk, 
and not to spend hours struggling to connect your notebook to the internet.

it's just my own opinion, maybe I'm wrong and there's a broad market 
for Internet-telephony. I'm just doubting by nature.


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