On Feb 27, 2009, at 2:46 AM, Manfred Bergmann wrote:

Am 27.02.2009 um 02:02 schrieb Peter von Kaehne:

2. Add a comparison table for desktop front-ends called "Which SWORD
application is right for me?" or something like that. I would be happy to contribute to this. It could include columns for OS's supported, RtoL support, localization, layout style, development status (not maintained, maintained, under ongoing development, etc.), and other items. I may put something up on the wiki and see where it goes. If it becomes useful for
the main page at some point then it can be moved.

I think this is an excellent idea.

Me too. We should do this.

I have started such a page: http://crosswire.org/wiki/Choosing_a_SWORD_program

The content I put on it is just a starting place.

Personally, I'd like to suggest that we approach editing the page with prayer and discernment. Our goal should be to get God's Word into people's hearts.

It is not to try to show that BibleCS shouldn't be used or that our favorite application is the best.

In Him,

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